“It is Giuseppe in English,” my lawyer says.
“Yes,” Inspector Tucci says. “We believe she changed it when she emigrated.”
I blink slowly. “To Canada?”
“There were three children who were still underage. They were sent there after the capo went to jail. They had relatives there.”
“Do you know where Marta is?”
“We do not. But we have established that she entered the country with Isabella. They were on the same plane.”
“The one that Connor was on?”
“And Mr. Abishek, yes.”
“How do you know all this if Isabella isn’t talking?”
He flips open his notebook. “I was conducting an investigation… These facts came to light this afternoon. We were about to alert you when we received the call about the incident in Ravello.”
“Marta was working for my publisher. In the publicity department. She was the one who put together the tour.”
Inspector Tucci writes this down. “Who can I contact about this?”
I give Inspector Tucci the name and contact information of my editor.
“They didn’t hide what they were doing very well,” I say.
“I do not think they ever expected anyone to look. But criminals make mistakes all the time. That is how they are caught.”
I lean back in my chair. I can feel the hard wood between my shoulder blades. “How long do you think they’ve been planning this?”
“Since shortly after the capo died. I imagine that his death, how do you say, stirred up all of the feelings again.”
“It must have taken a lot of planning. Marta getting the job at my publisher… suggesting the tour…”
“And they planned all of it together?” I say. “They decided to have someone in the group… Isabella.”
“I imagine that it was easier than they hoped to get close to Mr. Smith.”
“She is a beautiful girl.”
“He should not be so trusting.”
“Agreed,” I say. “And how did they plan to kill us?”
“That is less clear… The first attempt on Mr. Smith near the Vatican…”
“That was Marta?”
“We assume,” Inspector Tucci says.
“And that pedestrian, he saw what happened?”
“Yes, we believe so.”
“Who killed him?”