“Guy has a point, though,” Allison says. “Not about the gun, but what are we supposed to do now?”

Sylvie enters the room in swirl of fabric. “Ah, here you all are.”

“Oh,” Harper says. “The tour.”

“What tour?” I ask.

“We’re supposed to go to Ravello today. The BookFace Ladies will be there, too.”

“Oh good Lord,” Connor says. “Surely not.”

“Why not?” Allison says. “It would give us something to do rather than sit around theorizing all day wondering which one of us is going next.”

“What do you think, Inspector?” I ask. “Are we allowed to leave the hotel?”

He taps his chin, considering. “You would be all together, under supervision…”

“So, that’s a yes?”

“Perhaps… You are only going to Ravello?”

“Sì,” Sylvie says. “We have a wine tasting at Wine and Drugs—”

“Wine and what?”

“It is a wine and drug store…” Sylvie says.

“The wonders of Italy,” Emily says.

“And then lunch in the square.”

“When will you be back at the hotel?” Inspector Tucci asks.

“Five o’clock?”

“All right, yes, you may go.”

“I’m out,” Connor says.

“No,” Inspector Tucci says. “You must all go together. I will send Officer Garza with you. I cannot spare more than one.”

“All for one and one for all,” Isabella says.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing,” I say. “We will all go, Inspector.”

“We shall have some more answers when you return. The toxicology results, for one.”

“Perfect. All of us on a bus, hanging out in a cliffside town in a wine and drug store… What could go wrong?”194

Checking In…

Hey, fam!

How’s the solution coming?

You figure it out yet?