“You should’ve done it.”
“It didn’t even occur to me.”
He brushes his nose against mine. “I figured. Anyway, after she calmed down, Vicki said she was going to get you a lawyer. She sent me an email confirmation an hour later. They’ll be here at eight A.M. And Tucci was lying to us.”
“About what?”
“All of it. Police procedure, whether he needed a warrant. Nothing any of us said to him will be useful. The case will get thrown out.”
“How can you be sure?”
“They’re going to hire the best. They don’t want their golden goose in jail for a crime she didn’t commit. And Shek dying on their tour. None of this is good, and they want to clean it up quickly and quietly.”
“I didn’t even think of that. What if this gets into the press?”
“Shek’s death definitely will, but no one’s picked it up yet, thankfully. They’re going to put out a statement tomorrow after we get the lay of the land from the lawyer.”
“But what about… I mean, doesn’t my contract have a morality clause? They could cancel me for all of this.”
“They can’t cancel you for being falsely accused of murder.”
I’m not so sure about that, but I’m touched and relieved that he’s made the effort. If I have to sacrifice a book deal to avoid time in an Italian jail, I’ll make that bargain.
“Thank you, Oli.”
“Of course.”
“It doesn’t solve the problem, though.”
“For once, that’s not what I meant.”
“What, then?”
“Who killed Shek?”
He frowns. “I don’t know.”
“We have to figure it out before something else happens.”
He pulls me closer. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“I don’t want anything to happen to anyone else either,” I say as a shiver goes through me.
Shit, shit, shit.
Remember how I told you I was magic earlier? Not actual magic, but how sometimes I have these premonitions about things that are about to happen or words people are about to say?
I’m having one of those right now, only it’s visual this time.
A flash of someone creeping along the hall with a gun in their hand.
And then, bang!