“Inspector Tucci told us not to do this,” Allison says.

“So,” Harper says, ignoring her. “Connor, Isabella, and Oliver all had access.”

“But it could’ve happened at any time,” I point out.

“Not any time, surely,” Connor says.

“Any time since we got on the boat after Capri,” I say.

“You don’t know that.”

“You should hope that’s the case, or it’s you in the hot seat.”

Connor’s eyes narrow. “Why would I want to kill Shek?”

“Because he was blackmailing you…”

We stare at each other, the energy in the room charged.

“I think Inspector Tucci was right,” Allison says. “This is dangerous. Us throwing accusations around. Someone’s going to stumble on the truth, and then what?”

“Maybe that’s what Shek did…” Harper says.

“That gossip?” Connor says. “He’d never keep it to himself.”

“I think Allison’s right, El,” Harper says, putting down the marker. “It’s late. We should eat and then go to bed.”

“Separate?” Emily asks. “That’s always when bad things happen in situations like this.”

“Shek died when we were together,” I say. “I’ll take my chances.”

“I don’t leave anything to chance,” Guy says. He turns and reaches into the bookshelf, moving a book aside and pulling out a gun.

“What the…” Harper says.

“I didn’t want it confiscated in the search.”

“So we have a murderer among us, and you have a gun,” Connor says.

“I’m not the killer.”

“Why not?” Allison says. “You have just as much reason to kill Connor as anyone. And you must’ve been in on those robberies. You were a team back then. Thick as thieves.”

“This is the first time I’m hearing about it.”

“I find that extremely hard to believe.”

“Enough,” Harper says. “Enough. Guy’s had the gun the entire time and he hasn’t done anything with it. Let’s just stick to the plan and get out of this room. Okay?”

She looks around at all of us, waiting for our buy-in. Eventually, it’s Isabella who comes to our rescue.

“Is the dining room still open?” Isabella asks. “I’m starving.”

Breaking the Fourth Wall

Okay, so, let’s take a little break here and bring you into this.

That’s right—it’s your turn to solve it.