“I’m very surprised to hear it, given that it was found in your backpack.”
I don’t think I can write this book anymore.
CHAPTER 22Guilty Until Proven Innocent
“I didn’t kill Shek,” I say to Inspector Tucci, but the effort it takes to say it makes it sound unconvincing, even to me.
He folds his hands on the table next to the ring-like device that was apparently used to kill him. There’s a bit of condensation on the plastic evidence bag it was placed in, like it was wet before it went in there.
“You can say that all you like, but the evidence states the contrary.”
I point to the bag. “Even if it was found in my things, I promise that I’ve never seen it before.”
“I’m sure its origins will come to light in time.”
He means he thinks he’s going to discover where I purchased it or how I made it.
But here’s the thing: If I did do this—and I’m not saying I did—I wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave evidence of it just lying around for anyone to find.
“Anyone could’ve put it in my backpack,” I say.
He makes a dismissive gesture. “A convenient excuse, which you have used before. The key card, the backpack… Is that the best you can do?”
My fear is being replaced by rage.
At the unfairness.
At the condescension.
At the blow to my ego.
Take your pick.
It all mixes together, and now I’m going to say something I’ve been told never to say. “I’d like to speak to a lawyer.”167, 168
“In due time, I’m sure you will consult one, Ms. Dash.”
“No, now. This interview is over.”
He smiles at me in a way that makes my blood boil. “Ah, but you do not get to decide this, Ms. Dash. Again, this is not the American cinema. We do things differently here.”169, 170
“I don’t have to speak to you.”
“Again, wrong. But that is all well and good. I have enough.”
“Enough for what?”
“To obtain, in your terms, a warrant for your arrest.”
My mouth goes dry, but there’s no water for me to drink, or air left for me to breathe. “A warrant?”
“For your arrest. I will speak to the local magistrate and return with it in the morning.”
“This can’t be happening.”
He stares at me with pity. “But it is, Ms. Dash. And not like in one of your stories where some convoluted explanation will appear to save you.”