I think back to our conversation on the veranda yesterday and pluck something out of the fog of alcohol. “But wait, yesterday he said he didn’t invest in crypto. Though that confirms that he did know about it.”

“I wouldn’t believe anything Shek says.”

The bus jolts, and I look out the window. We’re halfway up the hill now, and the views are breathtaking but also dizzying. I should’ve taken the aisle seat.

I turn away and refocus on Connor. “Okay, so, Shek.”

“Maybe. I’m not sure. Guy, potentially, though he’d deny it, too.”

“And what happened? It crashed?”

“It did.”

“And you were involved in that?”

“No, I… I helped the CEO leave the country.”

“To the Bahamas?”

“What? No. Only idiots try to hide in countries with extradition treaties with the US. He’s somewhere he won’t be found.”

“How would anyone know you helped him?”

“People know my skill set, and…” Connor rubs at his chin. “I got the idea from one of Shek’s books.”

“Which book?”

“Cage the Snake.”129

“So, you lost all of Shek’s money, then stole his book idea to cover it up?”

“From Shek’s perspective? Yes.”

“So it’s Shek who’s trying to kill us? Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“Because I wasn’t sure. I’m still not. If money’s the motive, it could be any one of them.”

“Wait, not anyone. I doubt Oliver’s on your mailing list.”

His eyes go dark. “He unsubscribed, too.”



The woman Connor based his book on didn’t give her permission, and she’s killing him out of revenge?

Turnaround is fair play.


Are jellyfish poisonous? There must be maps of where they’re likely to be found, right?

Research anti-poisons—I mean antidotes.

Confession: It’s way less fun to plan Connor’s murder when someone’s trying to kill him for real.

CHAPTER 19Lights Out