My brain starts to whir, and then I remember. “Harper mentioned something about you studying creative writing in college—is that true?”
“Yes. I have an MFA.”
“You have an MFA.”
“No need to repeat me.”
I give myself a shake, trying to make sense of the information I’ve received in the last minute. “I’m sorry, I just… Whenever I asked you anything about your past, you’d always change the subject.”
He gives me an appraising look. “Is that why you were with me? Because you were interested in my past?”
Now it’s my turn to blush. “I… What kind of novel?”
“It’s a rom-com.”
“A what?”
“A romantic comedy.”
Don’t laugh, El. Do. Not. Laugh.
“Is it being published?”
“It’s not finished yet.” He sighs. “But if you must know, I’m planning on polishing it this fall and then taking it out to agents.”
“What… what’s it about?”
“It’s called Spare Parts. A Mr. Fix-It who lives in a seaside town ends up on a date with a woman who’s come home to nurse her ailing father after she bids on him in a charity auction.”
He looks at me. “Are you all right, Eleanor?”
“I’m processing.” My brain is skipping like our DVD player used to do when we were on a bumpy car ride with my parents. “Okay, so, you sent out the crypto offer to your newsletter—who took you up on it?”
“I don’t know.”
“How can you not know?”
“That’s the whole point of blockchain;128 it’s anonymous.”
“The better to defraud people.”
“It’s not built for fraud. I… Forget it.”
I put my hand on his arm. “You must know something more than that. Why else would you be so sure that the person who’s trying to kill you is on the tour?”
“They’re all on the newsletter.”
“I believe Shek invested.”
“Based on?”
“Things he’s said to me over the last couple of months.”
I stare at him. I’ve never been able to tell when he’s lying. I mean, obviously. But Shek? I’d always thought he was an open book.