I debated telling Cash I was coming for several reasons.
I don’t want to be a distraction this weekend. I want to be a bonus.
He surprised me, so now I’m surprising him. Fair play and all.
If for some reason I couldn’t fly down, I didn’t want to disappoint him.
After getting through the track’s security, I hear the whispers and see the hands covering the mouths of gossipers as they stare. Loch walks beside me and hasn’t said a word about Cash since I landed. Either I’ll get an earful when the guys are together, or maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I’m hoping for the latter, but I’m prepared if it’s the former. Well, as prepared as I can be for the interrogation of three older brothers. I used to have them wrapped around my finger, but they caught onto my tricks.
It’s still early in the day, and the smell of possibility is in the air, as well as burning rubber. Cash has been in a great mood since his mom and Cullen arrived on Friday. He also qualified for the fifth spot at the start, his best yet.
Since he’s been asking me to fly down repeatedly, I couldn’t say no, and the break is good for me.
Loch stops and says, “Hey, before we go in there.”
I glance around to see how many people are watching us before looking at my eldest brother. “Is this another warning?”
“No. We just care about you. Harbor, Noah, and I want you to know that we respect your right to date who you like.”
“Why does it sound like a backhanded compliment?”
Chuckling, he rubs his chin. “It kind of did. I didn’t mean it that way, though. We like Cash. If you love him and he loves you, we’ll support the relationship.”
He’s not the sentimental one, so it means more to hear this from him. Though I have a feeling he was specifically chosen for the job. I definitely haven’t gotten the full story yet. I cross my arms over my chest and ask, “What are the concerns?”
“He starts losing his focus behind the wheel and you get hurt.”
Quirking an eyebrow, I study his eyes. He can’t lie. It’s both a strength and weakness of his in life and as an attorney. “In that order?”
“No. I figured you would call me out if I put our concerns regarding you first. But that is the bigger concern for us. What if things go bad?”
I let my arms fall to my sides again. “Then things go bad. You can’t protect me from everything. I would have never dated Corbin if you could. So if Cash and I break up, I just need you to be my big brothers. That’s all.”
Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, we start walking again, and he says, “We can do that.”
Noah is the first familiar face I see when I enter the paddock. He gives me one of his bear hugs. Maybe because I was bracing myself and expecting the worst from them, but feeling their support has my heart lumped in my throat.
Releasing me, he states, “I take it you’re not here to see me.” He chuckles and says, “He’s back here.” Leading me around the equipment and one of the cars, he pushes a door open.
Tilting with a football in his hand, Cash takes a few steps backward and then launches it into the air. Is there anything he can’t do? He’s my all-American hero.
The door closes behind me, and that’s when someone calls, “Marina?” above my head.
I visor my hand over my eyes to find where the familiar voice came from. When I see Cullen on the balcony above, I smile. “Hi, little man.” Laura comes to the railing and waves.
“Hi—” A mass of solid man wraps around me, dragging me under the cover of the balcony. Holding me tight around the waist, Cash walks farther into the shadows.
My neck is covered in kisses, but there’s no fear because Cash’s scent engulfs me, giving me comfort. “How are you here right now?”
Reaching up, I hold the back of his head to my neck and give him better access by tilting to the side. “Good surprise?”
Cash comes around to the front of me and cups my face. “The best.” I’m kissed harder this time. The urge to weaken under him is tempting, just like he is. I’m left breathless when we part, his eyes roaming my face as if I’m a mirage. “You’re really here.”
“I am.” I playfully push away. “But I promised not to be a distraction.”
I’m pulled right back into his arms again. “Too late.” He hums against my neck and then whispers, “When do you have to return to Vancouver?”