She rolls her eyes. “You guys are so boring.”
We are. I love it.
Considering how many days he’s gone a year while I’m working in New York City, I take advantage of every single one I get to spend with him.
We’re ushered past security and pass an opening between two heavy-draped black curtains. The lead singer is already gone, but the two other band members welcome us. “Great race, man,” one says, slapping his hand into Cash’s. “Congrats on third.”
“Thanks. It’s good to be back on that podium again.” Cash adds, “Killer show.” Turning to me, he smiles. “This is Marina Westcott.”
“Yeah, I know. I, uh, might be a fan.”
I laugh. “I appreciate it. I loved your performance.”
Some moments feel intimate, a space in time that only two people share that no one else should bear witness. It’s theirs alone. That’s this moment. I see it as soon as he lays eyes on Poppy, and she sees him.
“Laird Faris,” he says, holding out his hand.
When hers connects, it’s electric. “Poppy Stanfield. Nice to meet you.”
That’s our cue to leave.
Pulling Cash by the hand, I slip us back through the curtains and down the steps past security.
Cash says, “Guess she has plans tonight after all.”
“So it seems.” I grin, my happiness extending to my friend. I’ve met all her boyfriends, and I never saw her come alive like she did for him.
Smiling all the way back to the hotel, I can’t wait for the plane ride back to New York to get all the details. “They looked good together, don’t you think?”
Cash chuckles. “Sure,” he replies, humoring me. “They make quite the couple.”
But that’s what we do. We compromise.
We humor.
We support each other.
We love endlessly.
I lean my head on his shoulder, letting myself feel the bigger emotions coming over me lately. I love him and want so much more with him, so I whisper, “I want to get married.”
He shuffles, careful not to disturb our positions. With one arm around me, a kiss is placed on my head while his other comes into focus in front of me. More specifically, his hand and the ring he’s holding between his fingers. I don’t move, not a muscle. I don’t even know if I’m breathing as I stare at the sparkling diamonds. “I’ve been thinking the same thing.”
“We have a . . .” Marina pauses on the other end of the call.
I adjust the phone to my ear, eyeing Duncan who’s silently asking me what’s wrong. “What do we have, babe?”
“An issue.”
Turning my back to her brothers who are adjusting their suits, I whisper, “What kind of issue?”
“Can you come see me?”
“What about tradition?”