Page 95 of When I Had You

“I don’t know the details, so I don’t think I should weigh in on that part. Only you know the answer to that, Marina.” Sidling up next to me, she rests her elbows on the edge and kicks her feet in front of her. “Is there any chance he lost his way? A lot was happening at that moment in time. I’m not saying you should be with him—”

“I’ve thought about this more than is probably healthy, Tues. I just . . . I can’t accept an apology over text. A phone call isn’t enough. I need to see the man I fell in love with and hear his voice, see his eyes, feel his heart. I feel crappy sometimes for not accepting the bare minimum. And then I snap out of it, remembering that I don’t need to settle. I just need more of something. I need to mean more to him.”

Liv uses the steps and wades over to us. “What are we talking about, ladies?”

“Cash,” Tuesday replies before I can pretend we’re discussing the best romance book we’ve read lately. I’d rather be stuck in that conversation, quite honestly.

“Ah,” Liv replies with a hint of hesitation. “And how is that going?”

“Good. Right, Marina?”

I almost start laughing. I never consider her a troublemaker, but she’s perfect for my uptight brother. If she’ll be this open with me, I can imagine she keeps him on his toes. “It’s okay.”

“Do you mind me giving my two cents?” Liv asks, throwing her hands up in caution. “And you can totally say yes, and I’ll zip my lips on the matter.”

If I called a car service right now, I might be able to get back to the city before I die under this relentless discussion regarding my love life. I wave her forward. “Might as well hear it.”

“My husband aside because he’s a romantic,” she starts, glancing at Noah sleeping soundly on the blanket while my mom plays with the kids in the grass nearby. “But other than him, I’ve never seen such a romantic grand gesture play out in real time.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, biting right on to that hook.

Tuesday nudges me with her elbow. “None of us can. We’re obsessed with what Cash did at the premiere.”

My head jerks back, almost tweaking my neck. “Ow!” Rubbing it, I ask, “Obsessed with Cash? My Cash? I’m so confused.”

“We know,” they say in unison.

Liv says, “That’s why we’re here. To help unconfuse you. And don’t think we didn’t note the ‘my Cash’ part of that sentence.”

Tuesday adds, “Noted.”

I move to deeper water so I can dunk under if this chat goes sideways more than it already has. They follow. Of course, they do. I laugh, partly amused and partly curious. Might as well get this over with. No one in my family, related by blood or marriage, gives up easily when they’ve set their mind to something. I’m the something today. It’s only fair since I’ve done the same to all of them over the years. “You get five minutes to say your piece.”

Their smiles are ridiculously big. I hope that’s a sign of good things. Tuesday says, “The red carpet was called a stunt in the media since they wanted to make it about Corbin and his new fiancée.”

“They broke up, by the way.” Raising my hands up in surrender, I add, “Sorry. Carry on.”

Liv says, “It wasn’t a stunt. That was a man on a mission. Cash put it all on the line to be there for you when you felt alone.”

“It’s not the same having us there for you,” Tuesday adds. “You know we always support you, but Cash was there in a different capacity. He was willing to lose his job just to hold your hand through a difficult time.”

“It wasn’t as difficult as everyone thinks since I was over Corbin a long time ago. It was hard because I was called names when I did nothing wrong.” I’m struck with two sets of eyes glaring in my direction. “Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Go on.”

With a huff that keeps her back on track, Liv says, “He put you first, above all else.”

My heart starts racing, and my chest tightens. Just hearing them describe what I was blinded to at the moment, I sigh. I always knew he was there when I needed him, but he risked everything to save me that night.

“Gah!” Tuesday interjects. “I could watch the replay on a loop. It’s so stinkin’ romantic.”

I grew up with brothers, but it is great to have sisters-in-law in times like these. “I’ll be right back.”

I chase my float down and grab my phone. Walking toward the pool house, I do what I should have done a month ago.

I text Cash.

