“For now.”
I nod, though she can’t see me. Sitting up, I say, “Good thing we don’t exist in each other’s worlds.” Nothing about that feels genuine. Even I don’t believe the lies I’m spewing.
“Yeah . . . good thing.” A quick pause is cut short. “I should let you go.”
“You don’t have to.” No adjustments. Life is smooth right now. Don’t wreak havoc on your career over a woman. “I didn’t mean it how it came out.”
“How did you mean it, Cash?”
“You’re there, and I’m here, and . . . we’ve just not run into each other before.”
I can’t see her, but I’m nodding like this makes sense. It doesn’t, not to me. I’m pretty fucking sure it doesn’t to her either. I lower my voice. “Look, Marina, I’m not upset about last night. I let myself down in other ways, but I don’t regret the time with you.”
“Do you mean that?” Her breathy and quiet voice matches mine.
“I mean it. Fortunately, it didn’t fuck up my race. That’d be a different story.”
“You did better today.”
The truth should probably sting, but it doesn’t. Smiling again, I ask, “Are you taking credit?”
“Never, but ifffff I had anything to do with it, you’d tell me, right?”
I chuckle. “I’ll tell you, babe.” A knock on the door gets me back to my feet. “I need to go. I have a flight to catch.”
“Thanks again for the phone.”
“No problem.” If a conversation could be dragged out, this one fits the definition. I’m not eager to hang up either, though. I put the phone to my ear again and walk toward the door, but before I answer it, I say, “Hey.”
“You have my number, Marina. You can call me anytime.”
Her emotions feed into her voice, and she lets a laugh escape. “Like a secret only we share.”
“Anytime you feel the urge.”
“Same goes for you,” she adds. “Take care, Cash.”
“You, too.”
We hang up, and it’s impossible to wipe the stupid grin from my face. I open the door and immediately walk away so Duncan can’t see me. “Almost done packing.”
“Need some help?”
“Need? No. But I’m happy to let you grab my suitcase.” I chuckle, feeling lighter than I have in a while. He doesn’t need to know the real reason.
No one does.
It will be a secret only Marina and I share.
No adjustments needed.
Monday . . .