Oh my God. The last thing she wanted was for Lincoln to feel like he was being used for her family's benefit. She’d never expected this of them.

“Yes and no,” Hunter said. “You’re making a bigger deal out of this. It benefits everyone, including Lincoln’s job.”

“Good luck trying to get him to feel that way,” she said. This might be worse than what Skyler said to him.

“I don’t think he’s going to have an issue with it,” Hunter said. “Don’t think that. I think he might want to be there with you anyway.”

“To watch out for me?” she asked, getting agitated. “Like I need security of some kind.”

“No,” Hunter said. “But I think I’d struggle to let Kayla go somewhere alone where she knows no one. It’s nothing more than that. You’re not sheltered.”

“Sheltered enough,” she said. “I get it. I’ve got a big name behind me and all. There will be a lot of eyes on me.” Eyes that she always hated. “They are going to do a history on the contestants, aren’t they?”

“They will be here filming next week and interviewing you first in your domain. They will want to know your personal life too. It will come up. It always does for these things. That is how it will start. I think Hailey is going to make sure that when they talk about your life and background and ties to this island, they are going to have you in a helicopter with the crews and flying over the island and the casino.”

“Are the contestants going to know my ties to the island?” she asked. “My personal history?”

“I don’t believe so. They won’t see the filming of the personal sides of the contestants until it’s live. What people decide to share is up to them.”

“This is really huge for the island, isn’t it?”

“Major,” Hunter said. “I’m sure Egan will be flying during that in his new baby. It won’t be Lincoln.”

She nodded. “I’ll do what I need to do. Can I at least let Lincoln know ahead of time?”

“Give me to the end of the day to get back to Bravo and get Hailey what she needs. You know there are contracts you’re going to have to sign about what you can and can’t say.”

“I do know that, but if you’re wanting him there with me, he’ll be part of it,” she said.

Hunter’s head went back and forth. “Again, give me to the end of the day. I think it might have to come from Egan or Mitchell for him. We’ll keep you posted.”

She wanted to swear but didn’t. “Thanks for messing up my day.”

“It’s going to be fun,” Hunter said.

“Says the guy that wouldn’t do this if it was him.”

“I can’t cook worth shit,” Hunter said, grinning. “It’d never be me.”

“You know what I mean. I always liked not having your last name.”

“I know,” Hunter said softly. “I get it. But it’s still who you are. Embrace it. It’s not a bad thing at this point in your life, is it?”

“No,” she said. Because she got the guy she wanted. She just hoped this didn’t mess things up with him.



“What’s going on?” Lincoln asked when he walked into Bond Charter at the end of the day. He hadn’t expected to see Egan still here let alone Mitchell. “Am I getting fired?”

“Hardly that,” Egan said, snorting. “You might be getting a raise if not a big bonus.”

Mitchell shot his son a look. The one that said cut out the joking. “I’m all for that but not sure what I did to get it.”

“Don’t do that to yourself,” Egan said. “You know you’re a great pilot and an asset to this business.”

Egan didn’t often get serious and he was now. “Again, what’s going on?”