When did he become so clueless about women liking him before?



Two and a half weeks later, Grace walked into her office on Wednesday morning surprised to see Hunter there.

“Hey,” she said. “What brings you down here? We didn’t have a meeting, did we?”

“No,” Hunter said. “But I got a call yesterday afternoon that I need to talk to you about.”

“Everything okay?” she asked.

The last thing she wanted to do was start her day dealing with complaints or personnel issues, but that happened more than necessary.

She could honestly say that her two days off a week were so peaceful spending them with Lincoln, but she knew that might be coming to an end. At least two full days. The Charter company was crazy busy and so was The Retreat. Already Lincoln had worked some of Monday last week to do a tour scheduled last minute. She’d been told a lot of the cargo shipments were being done later in the afternoon or at night so that tours could be added for the summer.

She was fine with it. She knew how it worked on the island.

There would be plenty of months when they could be slower.

“Yep. I want you to hear me out before you say no.”

She let out a sigh. She hated it when he started like this. It meant he knew she was going to protest, but when it came down to it, it wasn’t going to be her decision anyway.

“Go on,” she said.

He shut the door to her office. “I got a call from Bravo. They are taping a show in California. It’s a competition of West versus East wedding destination hot spots. It’s about the food and the chefs initially but exposure on the locations.”

“Shit,” she said. “That is huge.”

“It is,” he said. “I’m glad you feel that way. They had a last minute cancellation and want you.”

“Me?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “Filming starts in two weeks. It’s only for a week. The show will air over eight weeks but filming is done all at once.”

“I know how that works,” she said. She’d been asked before to be part of cooking competitions. She never wanted to. Hunter knew that.

But this was different. This wasn’t just about her as a chef. This was about The Retreat. This was about family.

“Two weeks,” she said. It’s like that just hit her. “That’s our busiest time. I never take a week off in the summer.”

“You’re not taking a week off. This is work,” he said.

Which meant she didn’t have as much of a say as she thought. “You already talked to Grandpa about this, didn’t you? And Uncle Charlie?” They’d have to approve something like this. Uncle Charlie was more low-key and didn’t always like all the TV stuff.

“Yes,” Hunter said. “They are all for it. It’s big for the island. You know my father was hesitant about everything that was done at the casino and the competitions. The magician was a big hit. So was the musician.”

She knew those things too. It brought a lot of business to the island in the slower months.

“They were,” she said. “It got a lot of acts booked full time now.”

“You also know that Bella and Hailey had been shopping things out for reality shows on the island.”

Her eyes got a little big. “Yeah,” she said. “But your father hasn’t been on board with that.”

“He’s softened,” Hunter said. “There are talks now. You being in this competition will give us the push we need. Or them to see what the island has to offer and viewers’ reaction.”