“You must like Chinese. I’ve never seen so many sauces in one drawer before.”

“It’s easy and they give you a lot. Then I’ve got leftovers.”

“I guess I’m going to have to make you some real stir fry food next time.”

She moved over and started to look through his fridge for food while she sipped her coffee.

“I don’t have much to offer,” he said.

“Eggs and bread,” she said. “I can do something fast with that. What time do you need to get to the airstrip?”

He looked at his watch. It was seven thirty. “I’ve got about forty-five minutes before I have to leave. I’m sure I’m going to beat Egan there. We’ve got a bunch of people to fly back to Boston from the wedding. Egan is flying Blake’s family over and anyone else in his family he can fit in his new helicopter.”

“How many does he fit in that?”

“Twelve,” he said. “I’ll be using it this week and doing tours on the island while he’s gone. No days off, sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” she said. “I understand.”

“I’m flying a bunch over too, then leaving my helicopter there and taking his back here to get the next set of people to bring back after I drop them at Logan. It won’t be a long day or anything. It’s mainly family. The first group going over at nine, then again at eleven and the last at one. Then I’m done for the day.”

“I’ll be in the restaurant so no biggie. It was nice having the day off with you yesterday.” She started to crack eggs and whisk them in a bowl that she’d found. He grabbed a pan from the tray under the oven and handed it over.

“The night was better,” he said.

She walked over and gave him a quick kiss. “It was.”

He was glad to see the smile on her face. Her jealousy over Roxy had come out of left field.

He’d dealt with that with Lara and hated it.

Sure, they were young and had friends and parties with groups, but if any other girl talked to him and she wasn’t around, she’d freak out and accuse him of cheating.

It was hard work to convince her otherwise and he often wondered if maybe she said those things to her parents and that was why they didn’t like him.

No, it was where he came from that caused the dislike from her parents. None of that was ever going to change and he knew it. He just didn’t understand why he put up with it.

Stupid young love and it bit him in the ass and left a lot of scars with it.

He was realizing those mental scars were a lot worse than his physical ones ever would be.

The world saw him as this hero and in his mind he was an idiot.

Breakfast was on his small table quickly, the two of them eating the scrambled eggs and toast.

“I don’t know how it’s possible that everything you make or touch tastes so freaking good.”

He was trying not to shovel the food in but couldn’t help himself.

“Years of practice,” she said, winking at him.

They finished breakfast, him cleaning up the kitchen. “Sorry you’ve got to leave,” he said.

“I’ve got to get home and shower and get to work,” she said.

She came out of his bedroom a few minutes later in her dress from last night. It was more wrinkled than it should be, still fitted to her upper body, off one shoulder and falling to the ground. She had her heels in her hand.

“You look like you’re ready to do the walk of shame,” he said, laughing.