She nodded. She couldn’t form any more words let alone thoughts when he was touching her like this.

When she was feeling him inside her body.

Her eyes shut as she continued to move up and down. When she felt his hands in her hair, she opened her eyes to look at him just in time for him to pull her down and crush his mouth to hers.

His hips were moving up and down with hers. Together with the perfect timing.

“Don’t stop,” she said, breaking the kiss.

“You’re the only one I ever think about, Grace. Just remember that when you have doubts. That’s what I tell myself.”

She wanted to ask what doubts he had but didn’t get a chance when he started to kiss her again.

Their tongues were dancing as fast as their bodies were moving.

She felt the sweat gathering at the base of her neck and then dribbling down her back. There was some on her chest and must be his too because the noises coming between their bodies were both exotic and erotic.

Everything seemed to just tighten at once inside of her and she wanted him deeper.

To do that she had to sit up.

She pushed away from him, arched back and put her hands on his thighs behind her.

He steadied her by her hips and just pounded up into her as she kept sitting down on him.

They were both moaning and groaning and then she was chanting his name at the time everything exploded inside of her.

He didn’t stop what he was doing and it was only dragging her orgasm out even longer.

When she thought her body couldn’t take a minute more of the pleasure, he was pulling her back against his chest but this time rubbing her back in a caress.

She let out a big sigh. “I’m going to be thinking of this for a long time.”

“Like one of those memories we just created together.”

“Yeah,” she said softly and shut her eyes, then let her body just drift off to sleep.



The next morning, Lincoln was up before Grace and that surprised him.

But he’d never been someone that required a lot of sleep. Now with Kaden born, he’d taken most of the on call after hours so Egan didn’t have to leave in the middle of the night.

He was in the kitchen getting the coffee started when he heard the bathroom door shut.

When Grace came out a minute later in his T-shirt, he grinned and handed her the cup. “I don’t have creamer, sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “Do you have milk and sugar?”

“Milk, yes. Sugar, not sure. It’s not like I bake or anything.”

He was opening up cabinets and drawers and found some little bags from a takeout order or something he must have tossed in there.

She burst out laughing and moved him out of the way to check his drawer. “There is everything imaginable in here in tiny servings.”

“I do a lot of takeout,” he said.