“I plan on it,” she said. “I haven’t figured out when yet.”
Maybe she could see if Lincoln could take some time off with her. A conversation for another night.
“Then your father and I can look at our schedules for a Monday or Tuesday. I’ll cook at our house. You don’t need to cook.”
Her parents had a house on the island. They spent more time there in the summer than winter and normally came over on the weekends.
“That works,” she said.
And what worked even better was hours later when she was leaving and caught Lincoln’s attention. As part of the wedding party, she expected he had to stay until the end.
“Are you going?” he asked. “Sorry I’ve been moving around so much. It seems like Egan is high maintenance today.”
“It’s his wedding day,” she said. “He’s entitled. And yes, everything is winding down.”
“Then I’m leaving too,” he said.
“Can you?”
“Yep. The wedding is ending in ten minutes. There is no reason for me to stick around.”
She’d stayed as long as she had because she was hoping they could leave together. A lot of people went from the wedding to the casino to try their luck there. She should have thought of getting a room, but it didn’t make sense to do that when she didn’t live that far away. Thirty minutes didn’t seem like a big deal to her.
“Ready?” she asked when he came back.
“Yep. How about going to my place?” he asked. “It’s closer and I need to get you out of that dress.”
They’d been to his place a few times but for nothing more than running there to get something when they were together.
“I don’t have anything to stay the night,” she said.
“You don’t need to sleep in anything,” he said. “Or I’ll give you a shirt.”
“Sure,” she said. There was no way she was going to tell him no with the boyish grin on his face.
She’d been thinking about getting him out of that tux for hours and did it matter whose house they were at?
The two of them left together. She followed him to his house and parked behind him in the driveway.
The minute they were in the front door, she kicked her heels off. She’d had them off most of the time under the table at the wedding. She wasn’t meant to dress like this.
The off-the-shoulder black dress that fell to the floor and was loose from her hips down was at least comfortable enough.
“Can I tell you how beautiful you looked today?” he asked.
“You’ve said it a few times,” she said, smiling.
“I want you to know I mean it.”
“Now I’m worried you think I’ve got a problem with Roxy.”
Stupid on her part.
“Nope,” he said. “Not worried in the least because there is nothing to be worried about. Just wanted to tell you what I’m thinking.”
Guess he put her in her place.
“Then I’ll return the favor and say I’ve been thinking about getting you out of this tux all night.”