There was no reason to ask and make him feel bad. But maybe by not asking he thought she didn’t want him here.

She wasn’t sure when life got to be so complicated about these things.

“Sounds like a communication issue,” her father said.

She squinted one eye at her father.

“We communicate just fine,” she said. “It’s only been a few weeks. You all know him anyway. It’s not like he’s a stranger.”

“We don’t know him as your boyfriend,” Skyler said.

She wanted to growl at her brother but didn’t. That would just put more attention on the situation.

Though many knew her to be that way when she was annoyed so she might be able to get away with it.

“Can we put the attention on the couple getting married today?” she asked.

“Sure,” Egan said. “Do I get cookies if I let Lincoln have the next family wedding off?”

Since she’d like Lincoln to be with her for Carter’s wedding in a few weeks, she figured it wouldn’t hurt. “I’ll even let you put a request in.”

“More than cookies it is,” Egan said. “That waffle breakfast sandwich. I still have dreams about that.”

“You’re too easy,” she said.

“My future wife thinks so too.”

She turned her head to see Blake at the table with Egan’s parents, brothers and Bella. No kids here today since it was a night wedding. They probably needed all day to get the restaurant in shape and she was guessing it’d be closed tomorrow to put it back to its normal condition.

“You might need to go back to your future wife,” her mother said. “If you want her to make it to the altar after saying that.”

“She loves me like this,” Egan said. Egan leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You are the best thing to happen to Lincoln. Don’t blow it.”

Great, just what she needed on her shoulders and she wished she knew why on top of it.

“What did he just say to you?” her mother asked.

“Nothing. He’s being funny like Egan always is,” she said.

No reason to let her family know what was said.

They’d want to know more and she didn’t have much to offer them other than the past two weeks they’d spent their two days off together and planned on it again this coming Monday and Tuesday.

She enjoyed their quiet days at her house. She was going to see if he wanted to stay the night Monday.

It’d be nice to go to bed with him next to her, wake up and she could cook him breakfast.

He’d mentioned doing something too, but they hadn’t figured out what yet. Something on the island.

“Egan can be serious too,” her father said. “He just says it in his joking manner.”

Which was too close to the truth.

“Skyler, I might stop over Monday or Tuesday with Lincoln to go kayaking. Can we borrow yours so he can go out?”

“Sure,” he said. “I might just have to be around when you come over.”

She let out a sigh. There was no reason to argue with him about this.