“Working for Egan is the first I’ve gotten to fly at a speed that wasn’t in a hurry. Now, it’s nice. Not that I take the helicopters out and just fly around for the hell of it. That would be wasteful.”
“But I’m sure you could if you wanted to.”
Egan only did it a handful of times without him and had a woman with him on a date. Blake was the last time it was done.
“It’s not the same,” he said. “I don’t own it. I wouldn’t ask Eli to borrow his Lamborghini which costs only a fraction of one of the helicopters, so I’m not going to ask Egan to take a helicopter on a date or for a joy ride.”
“But you two must have done it together,” she said.
“Sure,” he said. “That’s different.”
That was when Egan was showing him around or they were planning out the routes of the tours and testing them.
“Tell me about your tattoo,” she said suddenly.
“That was a big shift.”
“Could be I was just warming you up,” she said, her foot extending out and landing on his lap.
He ran his hand over her toes and had her yanking it back.
“Are you ticklish?”
“Isn’t everyone?” she asked.
He shrugged. He didn’t think he was, but it’d never been put to the test either.
“My tattoo isn’t anything special. Not like a huge hidden meaning.”
“You said family memories,” she said.
“That’s right. When I went into the service I got it as a reminder of what is important in life. I like the design and I didn’t get it for people to look at it and know what it meant. It’s for me.”
And it was over his heart where his family and love belonged to those who cared for him.
For those who put him first in their life and didn’t use him.
Being used was worse than anything, and in the end, he realized that was all he’d been to Lara.
It was an embarrassment for him to admit that to himself half the time, let alone to anyone else.
Maybe it was a copout or an excuse for him to keep it hidden away, but it was hard for him to accept he was nothing more than an escape from her parents, when in his eyes they weren’t that bad as much as she just wanted to do what she wanted and when.
Who the hell didn’t as a teen? But he was respectful enough to know rules had to be followed in life.
Lara never felt the rules applied to her.
“As it should be,” she said. “There is one thing about you that no one could dispute.”
“What’s that?” he asked.
“You’re far from obvious or ordinary.”
He laughed. “I’d say the same applies to you.”
No way did he expect to find what he had about Grace when he agreed to their date.
That she was everything he was looking for...only she came with the baggage of being out of his league and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to move past that fully.