That boyish grin was on his face. The one he always had before they started to date.
“Are you good now?” she asked.
“Sure,” he said. “Why?”
“Because when I said it took you long enough, I meant I finally am seeing the guy I was drawn to before. Not that I don’t enjoy the one I’ve been getting to know, but I’d been hoping you weren’t holding something back.”
“No,” he said. “Or yes. I don’t know. Probably a combination of trying to wrap my head around all of this.”
They continued to get dressed. “Because you never thought you could get where you are?”
“Probably,” he said. “I never let myself think it. Then next thing I know you’re pushing me along with Egan.”
Not what she wanted to hear. “I don’t want you to feel pushed.”
He moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms. “In a good way,” he said. “It truly is. If you hadn’t done it, I’d be admiring you from afar.”
“And wishing you could get all these yummy treats I’m giving you.”
“The food is a bonus,” he said. “What I got now is what I’ve been thinking of for longer than I care to remember.” She laughed. “I don’t mean that in a bad way.”
“I know what you mean,” she said. “Attraction can be a powerful thing. I’ve been holding onto this for years.” Her hand went to her mouth. “Oops. That slipped out.”
He leaned back and looked into her eyes but didn’t say a word.
It was probably for the best.
Lincoln was in the garage cutting the wood for the shelves that he’d build inside and the ones for the outside he’d leave here for another day.
Even though her patio was covered, it was better to wait for a nicer day than to do it today with the wind and rain coming down in buckets.
He had a lot of thinking to do as it was.
Grace had no problem calling him out over loosening up.
He was almost embarrassed over it until she let it slip that she’d been thinking of him for years.
He supposed that helped somewhat.
When the last piece of wood was cut, he went in to see if Grace wanted these stained or painted. It hadn’t occurred to him before to ask that.
She was baking in the kitchen and his mind started to wander like never before.
He’d always prided himself on being able to focus in any situation.
Put him in the kitchen with the scents of chocolate chip cookies and he was transported back in time to a kid with his mother baking all those homey things and a feeling of comfort covered him like a warm Sherpa blanket on a snowy day.
“Hey,” she said, turning. “Did you need something?”
“How about one of those?”
“They are for you, so take as many as you want. I’ll be sending them home with you too.”
He moved closer and pulled one off the sheet pan she’d taken out. He popped it from one side to the next before it went in his mouth, the chocolate pulling away.