He was back by eleven and had an hour to kill for a ten-minute drive. He never thought he was that impatient in his life but realized he was.

“No,” she said. “Just in time.”

“It smells good in here,” he said.

“Just lunch,” she said.

“It’s your day off. You don’t have to cook for me all the time. I can take you out.”

“I enjoy doing it,” she said. “And I’ve got to eat too. I’m not one to always throw a sandwich together. Well, I am and that is what I’m doing but not like a sandwich you get at a deli. What’s in the box?”

“It’s your dish from Friday,” he said. “And something I picked up for you in Boston this morning.”

“You worked?” she asked.

“I just had to fly Rex, Hailey and the baby back.”

“J.B. sure is a cutie,” she said. “I can’t believe he’s six months old already. Hailey is talking about having another soon.”

“Really?” he asked.

“She’s older. Men have it easy. They can have babies much later in life. They don’t have to carry them.”

“Good point,” he said. He wondered if Grace thought that and then wasn’t sure why he was thinking it.

“Lots of babies being born in the family now,” she said. “Almost as many as marriages. I guess that is what happens when you wait so long to find someone.”

He wasn’t going to take her words to heart. He knew it was just conversation and facts.

“I can’t keep track anymore,” he said.

“Let’s see if I can. J.B. was the last of last year. So far this year, we’ve got Penelope and Griffin’s son, Micah, in February.”

“I’ve seen him a few times. He looks just like Griffin.”

He’d been hearing all about it too since Griffin was to Eli as he was to Egan.

“Bode and Sam’s daughter, Gemma, was born in March right after Kaden was born. Next month Hudson’s twins will be born. Then we will be hit with three weddings almost back to back and Carson’s twins in the fall.”

“A busy summer for you too,” he said.

“It seems it with the weddings,” she said. She pulled her dish out of the box and laughed. “You got me herbs?”

“I did,” he said. “I thought you might appreciate them more than flowers.”

“Most definitely,” she said, lifting the potted plant out. There were a few mixed in together. Like a starter garden. “I always wanted to grow my own herbs, but I don’t have time to do it outside and keep track of it. Plus with the winter and all, they wouldn’t last.”

“You need them in the house on the walls. That is what my mother does.”

“She does?” she asked. “I’ve seen them on home shows too.”

“It’d look good on this wall,” he said, moving to the wall by the glass doors going outside. “You could have floating shelves with them outside and then bring them in as the weather changes. Even have them in decorative pots.”

She was grinning at him and he felt his manhood starting to shrivel up with this conversation.

“That’s a great idea. I’ll have to see if I can find someone to build the shelves for me. I know my cousins are more than busy. It’s not my father’s thing. Not Hunter and Roark. I’m sure Skyler could do it, but I can’t keep track of him half the time.”

He knew Skyler was Grace’s brother, but he rarely saw him.