“That I’m aware of. My guess is Lincoln will mention something to Egan. I hope he does. Egan will be on my side.”

“See, you need backup. That means you want this to have a chance and work. It’s in your heart,” Kayla said, grinning over the rim of her cup.

“Snot,” she said. “I’m taking this with me to my office.” She picked her cup up. “I’ll bring it back later. With cookies for Ben.”

“Yay,” Ben yelled. She’d said that loud enough for the little guy to hear her.

Jack came running in next and slid on his knees on the floor, stopping at her feet. He was the wild one and she loved it. “Do I get cookies too?” It was cute listening to him. He would be two in a few months, but his speech was pretty good.

She put her coffee down, then picked Jack up and tossed him in the air. “Of course you do.” She kissed him on the cheek and set him on his feet, but he was bending his knees so she put him down that way. When the two women were alone she said quietly, “When do they get another sibling? I know Hunter wants more.”

Kayla closed one eye at her. “Don’t get on Hunter’s side.”

She laughed. “Okay, I need you on mine, so I’ll stay out of it.”

Grace left feeling a lot more confident than she had when she got up this morning, which was saying a lot because normally she was a confident person and hated that this was mixing her up in the head.



“You went on a date with my cousin?” Egan asked Lincoln on Wednesday afternoon. The two of them had a layover in Boston before their clients came in and he figured he might as well fill his boss in.

“I did,” he said. “Do you have a problem with it?”

“No,” Egan said. “How come I’m just hearing about this now? Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

“I was off yesterday,” he argued.

“So,” Egan said. “You could have texted. You tell me everything else. I don’t know why you didn’t tell me Monday when I saw you at the end of the day either.”

Because he wasn’t positive he was still going to show up but didn’t want to admit that.

“I wanted to wait and see how it turned out,” he said.

“I’m sure it was fine,” Egan said. “More so if she cooked for you. You’re pretty easy to win over. She has you like putty in her tiny hands if she puts a bowl of tuna noodle casserole in front of you.”

He started to laugh. Egan had all but gagged when he’d heated up a dish of that. But his mother had sent him back with it on one of his visits home. Comfort rustic food. Just like Grace had pegged him for.

He hadn’t been home in a few months, but when his mother sent him back with that again, he wouldn’t bring it to work.

Or maybe he would, just to watch Egan gag over the smell of microwave tuna. The guy complained about how bad Kaden’s diapers were and had no problem changing them but couldn’t handle the smell of microwave fish.

“She’s multiple steps up from tuna noodle casserole,” he said.

“Tell me about it,” Egan said.

“Not much to say.”

“Of course there is,” Egan said. “She put you in your place, didn’t she?”

It was the smirk on his buddy’s face that had him giving in. “She did.”

“Told you,” Egan said. “What did she say?”

“Is this a therapy session? I thought I was the doctor between us.”

“I can dish it out too,” Egan said. “More so when I think you’re being an idiot.”