He wasn’t saying all that much but was still eating and smiling at her.

“I know a lot of people think I shouldn’t work that much.”

“It’s your choice. What I know of your family is none of you live off of what you’re born with.”

“Remember that,” she said firmly.

He turned to look at her and held her stare, then nodded.

“You’ve been burned,” he said.

“Probably as severely as you,” she said.

“No,” he said. “Not even close.”

“You’re not going to share, are you?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “Not right yet. There is no reason for it now.”

That was debatable in her mind, but they’d gotten further than she thought and would let it go.

“Do you like lemon?”

“I do,” he said. “Did you make a lemon dessert?”

“This is a rich dinner and I thought something light and citrus would clean the palate.”

“Yeah, my brain doesn’t work that way. I just know what I like,” he said, grinning.

Her hand reached over and wrapped around his neck to pull him closer for a kiss. “Me too!”



“How did it go?” Grace’s mother asked her the next morning. She was up early and getting ready to go to work. Since it was her day in the office and not really in the kitchen she showed up when she wanted and did the same at the end of the day.

Most times she was there longer than she had to be. She took pride in her job and her work and she was thrilled that Lincoln understood that about her.

“It was good,” she said. Her mother knew she had a date with Lincoln. She’d told her how the flight back went on Monday. It felt like she needed a girl to talk to and her mother was it. Kind of sad in a way, but her mother seemed to be enjoying it.

“Wonderful. Are you going to fill me in on some details?”

Grace let out a big sigh. If it was someone her own age she would, but with her mother it was hard. She did need some advice and her mother knew her the best.

“He’s noticed me but never thought of me as someone he could date.”

“Why?” her mother asked. She heard the confusion in her mother’s question the same as she’d had.

“Because of my background and history on the island.”

“You mean because you come from Edward’s side of the family? Did you ask him if you came from William’s if he would have felt differently?”

Damn it. She didn’t think of that. She should have.

“I’m positive it’s that and not just the Bond family. It’s the money,” she said. “That much was clear.”

“So he was afraid you’d think he only wanted to be with you for that reason?” her mother asked. “That is insulting to you both.”