She climbed in, put the headset on and got comfortable while he lifted them in the air and they took off for the island.

She kept trying to think of things to say and everything sounded stupid to her so she didn’t talk at all.

“You’re quiet,” he said.

“Sorry. Shopping tires me out.”

“I can understand that,” he said. “Looks like you had a successful day.”

“I had lunch with my mother and then picked up a few things rather than ordering them since I was there. Are you done for the day now?”

It was going to be a little after four once they landed.

“I wish,” he said. “I’m going to get that pie you brought me and have some dinner and then I’ve got to bring a few people on the island back to Boston within two hours or so. Then I’ll be done.”

Which meant she couldn’t ask him to dinner tonight.

But she had tomorrow off too.

“How late are you working tomorrow?” she asked.

He turned his head and smiled at her. “I have Tuesdays off.”

“You didn’t a month ago when you brought me to Boston.”

“That was different. Blake was in labor. But that is my one day off. I normally work another light day if I can’t get it off fully.”

“I have Tuesdays off too,” she said.

“So you said,” he said, grinning at her.

“How would you like a nice home-cooked meal fresh out of the oven?” she asked. Might as well go all in.

“Are you asking me on a date?” Lincoln asked.

He looked a little confused but not as much as she’d thought.

Maybe her mother was right. She wasn’t clear enough.

This couldn’t be any clearer.

“I am,” she said. “But if you don’t want to, don’t worry. I won’t be upset. I’m not trying to make this awkward or anything.”

“Not awkward,” he said. “Dinner would be great.”

“I’ve got your number,” she said when they were starting to land. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”

“I’ll be around,” he said.

She got out of the helicopter when it was shut off, grabbed her bags and walked to her SUV.

She turned after a few steps. “See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” he said. “See you then.”