Not just by the sounds coming out of her mouth either.

She put her hands on her hips. “When I find a man worthy of me is when I’ll consider it. But on this island, the pickings are slim.”

More like trustworthy, but she’d never say that.

“It’s your choice not to go to Boston.”

“I grew up there,” she argued. “I was meant to be here. It’s what I always wanted out of my life. I’m happy and that should be good enough.”

Besides, she hated the hustle and bustle of the bigger city.

She might not have the last name of Bond, but it seemed more knew her there than here.

Between her mother’s organization and her father’s job, the Bond name and her tie to Amore Island, all the men she’d come in contact with in her life wanted a part ofthosethings.

It didn’t feel as if anyone wanted to get to know her.

Not even friends in school. At least she hadn’t felt that way.

“Of course we are thrilled you are happy,” her grandfather said.

She pulled out the bread and cut him a slice since he’d been eying it on the counter. “You want a piece of this, don’t you?”

“Is it still warm?” her grandfather asked, moving closer and sniffing the air.

“I just took it out of the oven on my way out the door,” she said. “And since I’m spoiling you with an early dinner, don’t you think we can talk about anything else other than my personal life?”

“Sure,” her grandfather said. “It’s not like you’ve got a dating life.”

She wanted to grind her teeth but wouldn’t. He was just picking on her like he always did.

The middle granddaughter and the baby of her family. She was closer to him than her cousins. At least she felt she was.

She’d never say she was the favorite, but at times it seemed it.

That was why once a month she brought him dinner. She’d do it more often, but he wasn’t always around when she had a day off.

“And I like it that way,” she said. “How long are you on the island for?”

Mid-March was early for her grandfather to be here for long periods, but he had business ventures all over the island, Boston and Cape Cod. More that she didn’t know about and didn’t care.

She may be an heir to that fortune, but it was so far down the line, it wasn’t even funny. There was a generation before her anyway. Her mother, her uncle and her aunt.

“I might stay the week,” her grandfather said. “I flew over this morning. With Egan’s baby coming soon, I know they are pretty swamped. So I scheduled my flight back rather than calling last minute knowing that they’d squeeze me in.” Her grandfather reached for the slice she’d cut, then the butter, and slathered it on.

“I hope I can catch my flight tomorrow with him on baby watch,” she said. “Mom will kill me if I don’t make it.”

“You won’t have a problem,” her grandfather said. “They will get you there regardless.”

“It’s nice they’ve got three helicopters now and the extra pilots. Not that I use the service much, but I don’t want to ride the ferry and sit around waiting. I’d rather just get there and back.”

“Your mother is thrilled,” her grandfather said. “She’s been trying to get you to do this for years.”

She cut a slice of bread for herself. There was nothing better than fresh warm bread in her eyes.

“She kept having this on Friday or Saturday night,” she argued. “It’s not easy for me to get that time off. Even if planned, if there is an event or wedding at The Retreat, that has to come first.”

“You always make it come first. That is your choice.”