“But you’re not the only one single,” her mother said. “Much to my frustration, your brother is too.”

Her brother, Skyler, was older than her by four years. He should be the one in a relationship or married by now, but it seemed like this generation was waiting until they found the right person. It seemed some of them kissed a lot of frogs along the way.

At least she felt as if she had.

“And so is Emma,” Grace said. Emma was Roark’s younger sister. “And she lives in a world of romance.”

“And drama and violence too,” her mother said. Emma was a Romantic Suspense author.

“She’ll never find someone because she is too used to writing about her perfect man and they don’t exist.”

“No one is perfect,” her mother said. “But it seems to me you might have your eye on someone and he’s not looking back?”

She could lie but hated to do that.


“Are you going to tell me who it is?” her mother asked.

“Only if you keep it to yourself.”

“I can’t tell your father?” her mother asked.

“You can and he won’t say anything.”

“So this is someone I know by the sounds of it,” her mother said.

“Oh, you know him. I think he’s blind or not interested.”

“Who is it?”

“Lincoln,” she said and then took another bite of her burger so she didn’t have to talk.

“Lincoln, who works for Egan?”

“Do you know another one?” she asked.

“No. I had no idea. Fill me in so I know what is going on. Maybe I can help.”

Since it’s not like she felt as if she could tell anyone else, she told her mother about her flight last month and then this one.

“He likes my food,” she said, shrugging.

“Everyone loves your food. Did you stop to think that maybe he’s confused?”

“What is there to be confused about?” she asked. “I asked him for a drink a month ago. I brought him food twice. I thought for sure he’d have to contact me to return the plate and didn’t.”

She was hoping this time it might happen. The food was on the island and as far as she knew, Lincoln was in flight right now and then returning to Boston to get her.

“I think for someone who is always upfront and in people’s faces, for once you’re not. I’m not sure why. I can see where he might not see what you’re doing.”

“Come on,” she argued. “He’s a smart guy.”

“I’m just saying he might be unsure and because it’s his boss’s cousin, it’s not like he would be willing to assume anything and risk offending you.”

She hadn’t thought of that.

“So you’re saying I should be more blunt? Like ask him out again?”