He was playing some of that night back in his head. It did have all the makings of a date. All but a kiss and an exchange of numbers or the plan to set another up.
They did have each other’s numbers though.
“I think it was,” Egan said.
Which made something else pop into his head. “How come I ended up with Grace’s flight today if you’re just sitting here?”
“I didn’t plan on sitting here,” Egan said. “You know that. I don’t make the schedule. My client got his business done fast.”
“But you can change it whenever you want. You did it before when you wanted to be with Blake.”
“Then consider this one of those fate things my cousin might have been hoping for,” Egan said, grinning.
“I think you’re nuts.”
“That’s been said to me a lot of times,” Egan said. “But I’m not.”
“I’ve got work to do,” he said and left to get the art and load it on the helicopter.
It’d give him a few hours to think this through in his mind.
Before he could climb in and take off, Egan said, “Don’t talk yourself out of things because of who she is.”
If anyone knew about his life, it was Egan. He’d shared more than he had with anyone else.
Most of it was over a beer, but plenty was when they lived together.
Egan just had a way of getting people to talk without you even knowing.
Griffin, Eli’s best friend, complained that Eli had the same trait. Had to be a Bond thing.
“But she can’t change who she is any more than I can,” he said.
“And you should know by now that my family is the last group of people that thinks about those things,” Egan said.
Pretty strong parting words that he couldn’t argue with.
“This is nice,” Grace’s mother said to her an hour later when they met up for lunch.
“It is,” she said.
She’d asked her mother to meet today. She was trying to think of any excuse to go to Boston and get a flight. First thing to do was book the flight.
Second was hope she got Lincoln to fly her over.
Third was to make some food. The old saying about the way to a man’s heart...
She didn’t know if she was looking for his heart at this point. She just wanted some kind of attention.
Maybe acknowledgment.
She wasn’t sure what else she could do to get him to see what she was trying short of being blunt.
That might be the next step.