“It’s fine. I’ll get something later.”

It was close to lunch. She knew he ordered at the restaurant or went and had lunch with Kayla and his sons.

“So I’ve got somewhat of a situation. Not bad. Could be good. But I wanted you to know.”

Hunter listened to everything she said about Tracy and what her mother was doing. “You hire your staff,” Hunter said. “That’s your domain.”

“But it’s not my hotel,” she said. “You should know something like this. I’ll cover my bases. Chances are most of the living costs will come through funds my mother has.”

“Listen, Grace. We all know how stupid that clause was in the will and it’s changed.”

“You’ve got two sons,” she said, smirking.

“I do, but if they don’t want anything to do with The Retreat, that is their choice. Maybe one will be a lawyer and go bug my sister.”

She laughed. “Hailey would take Ben in a heartbeat.”

“I know she would,” Hunter said. “Jack, on the other hand. He’s the wild one of the two.”

She smiled thinking of Hunter’s two kids. “I think I’ve got a soft spot for Tracy. I see some of Kayla in her.”

“Which is why you’re here. If your mother can’t make it work, we’ll figure it out.”

“Thanks,” she said. “It’s not a money issue. I’m more concerned about finding her a place to stay.”

“If she has to stay in an extra room here for a bit,” Hunter said, “we’ll sort it as best as we can. She’ll be eighteen; legally it’s not an issue. Don’t stress about those things. One step at a time.”

“Thanks,” she said.

“You’re not as mean as everyone says you are,” Hunter said.

“Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want them to think they can walk all over me in the restaurant.”

“No one willeverthink that,” Hunter said, laughing.

She left after that and went back to her office.

Maybe that was why she was still single.

She had all these walls up because of her family history and no one could break them down.

Not even when she tried to give a man a hammer to start chipping away, he still didn’t seem to understand what to do with it.



“What is that?” Lincoln asked when Grace walked into the hangar on the island two weeks later.

“You come across as a rustic kind of eater,” she said. “This is my mashup of a chicken pot pie and a shepherd’s pie.”

“Oh my God,” he said. “It’s a damn good thing Egan isn’t here. I’m not sharing.”

She placed the container on the counter. “It’s still a little warm, but you can put it in the fridge and then heat it in the microwave.”

“Or eat cold,” he said. “Some foods are just as good cold as hot. You want to cringe, sorry about that. No insult to your talents. Don’t suppose I can get a taste now.”

She pulled a fork out of her back pocket. “I’ve come prepared.”