He was more than serious and said to go ahead, then he could look into housing.

“Typical Egan,” she said. “Did he have shoes on when you met him? Unless it was cold out.”

“He had sandals on. It was June. I didn’t know who the Bonds were. I thought they were looking for a pilot in Boston and found out it was the island.”

All that came out a week later when Egan called him with the job offer.

He should have spent more time looking into Bond Charter but didn’t think anything of it. Part of him didn’t think it’d pan out and he hadn’t even told his parents about it.

The fact they only had one helicopter told him he wouldn’t be flying that much but then learned all sorts of cargo needed to be brought back and forth and he was working nights for that, then days that Egan could take off to get a break.

Within months, a second helicopter had been purchased and business started to boom.

“How hard was it for you to find a place to live?” she asked.

“I stayed with Egan until an apartment opened up. He was renting a house at that point. I was struggling to find a place and then I asked if I could just keep his rental when he moved into his place if he didn’t mind me staying there until his house was ready.”

Egan’s home was being built. They’d lived together for about six months and he took over the lease and had stayed there ever since.

He’d been terrified he wouldn’t be able to afford it but surprisingly the place wasn’t that bad.

He’d later found out it was a property owned by Mitchell, so he was sure the rent was adjusted for that reason. He never asked because he didn’t want to know. It’s not like it was crazy low, but he was positive not as high as they could get with someone else.

“Then it all worked out,” she said.

“It seems it has,” he said.

She was eying him now and he couldn’t figure out what was going through her mind.

His drink was gone, hers too, but since it was a weekday night and close to ten at this point he was guessing she’d want to go home.

“I’m assuming you’ve got an early day tomorrow,” she said. “Thanks for indulging me with conversation.”

“Never a problem,” he said.

They stood up and walked out together, the cool night breeze picking up some.

“Thanks again,” she said, almost hesitating, then she walked to her SUV and climbed in. Lincoln got in his truck once he knew she was safely on the road and went home to his lonely place.



“Grace, there is someone here asking for you.”

Grace turned to see one of the front lobby staff coming into the restaurant three weeks later. It was Wednesday morning at ten and she was in her office rather than the restaurant.

She was off Monday and Tuesday most weeks. Wednesday was spent doing orders, scheduling and other paperwork or appointments as needed. She normally didn’t work in the restaurant unless absolutely needed on that day and was out by dinnertime.

Thursday through Sunday she’d come in around noon and work until the restaurant closed and the dinner service was cleaned up, though the kitchen stayed open until midnight for those who wanted room service. They’d open again at five in the morning for room service, the restaurant serving breakfast at seven.

Certain times of the year were busier than others, but this was spring break week and though the weather wasn’t that warm on the island for the first week of April, they were still pretty packed.

“Did they give a name?” she asked. “I don’t have anyone scheduled.”

Vendors came in a lot to speak with her. Sometimes those wanting to plan weddings here would come for food tasting and selections, but that was normally set up in advance.

Not that it couldn’t be last minute and she’d be as accommodating as she could.