But since there was a piece on the news or it was making the rounds he was on it, that hope diminished.

“Yes,” his mother said. “When I went to work yesterday, there were some whispers. It took me a while to hear them all. You know I stay out of things.”

“You do,” he said.

He remembered when he had his accident years ago. There was a lot of talk about it around his mother. His mother worked for the school district. Even though she was an aide in one of the elementary schools, many knew Lara and her family. The accident and the outcome were big news.

He knew he’d get blamed and her family tried to do it and slander him as much as they could.

But as Egan had said, he was a passenger and there were no drugs or alcohol involved. It had nothing to do with him other than it changed his life forever. Lara’s too.

“It finally got back to me at the end of the day. Patty, she’s nice and all. We’re friends. Someone told her and she felt I should know. It could be nothing.”

“Or it could be something. What is it, Mom?”

“Some are saying that Lara and her family are going to reach out and let the news know you’re not the hometown hero. They played you up that way. Your background in the Air Force. They did interview some of your friends from school.”

Shit. He’d kept in touch with some while he was in the service. Those that stayed local. It was giving him the part of life he was missing.

Maybe he was using it as a reminder of why he left too.

What he’d had with Lara was done and over with and he’d been hurting on so many levels.

As his mother had said before, they talked of getting married.

He loved her. He thought she loved him.

“Not much I can do to control that,” he said. “I’m not sure the news is going to care all that much. If they know or do their job there isn’t much they can say.”

“No,” his mother said. “Not about the accident. But they can talk about your relationship with Lara. And the one you’ve got with Grace.”

“They haven’t said anything about me and Grace having a relationship on the show,” he said.

“Lincoln. Come on. Aside from the way you looked at her, she said your name in an interview. Sure, it could be another Lincoln, but it’s not that common of a name. And those that know it’s you, know your name. What many haven’t figured out yet is that Grace is part of the Bond family.”

“Which won’t be hard to figure out,” he said. “If they do dig and I’m sure Lara and her family are doing that.” It would come out later on the show anyway.

“They are only going to make fools of themselves,” his mother said. “You and I both know that. Nothing will come about it.”

Or something could and he didn’t want to take that chance.

“Thanks for calling, Mom. Let me know if you hear anything else, but don’t worry about it either. I’m not.”

“Good,” his mother said. “I didn’t call to worry you.”

He hung up and went to the airstrip. His fear was exactly this happening and he had to at least let Egan know.

He couldn’t very well tell Grace without her asking more questions, but Egan would talk to his father and then maybe it’d be taken out of his hands.

It could be nothing and he’d have to do what he lied to his mother about and pretend that he wasn’t worried.

Maybe if he just came clean with Grace she’d understand, but he was embarrassed that she’d find out and think that he was with her for money even when he said that was the reason he didn’t want anything to do with her in the beginning.

But if she saw some of his past, would she believe otherwise?

He’d even tried to relieve her mind about Roxy and felt he had. But would she think he was doing that so that she wasn’t mad and he was trying to hang onto her?

He never felt this unsure of so much in his life, but he knew that the first step was telling his best friend.