“Tracy and I got our shopping done quicker than I thought. She’s fast that way. She is meeting with her case manager now and then will get a ride back to the ferry. She wants to get to work on time, but I told her to not worry about it.”

“She is the type of client we love to help. Someone who wants to help herself and not rely on the system to do everything for her. I check in on her more.”

“Because you know I want to know?” she asked.

“Yes, but I also like to know what could be good success stories. You’re not the only one with a vested interest.”

“I know,” she said. “I get that all from my mother.”

“You’re a good duck,” her mother said.

“Quack, quack.” Her mother laughed like she always did when they exchanged those words when she was a kid. “If you’re ready, can we go check out the facilities for the cooking clinic you’ll be leading? Lincoln can fly me back at one; otherwise, I’ve got to wait until two thirty for Egan.”

“Then let’s go,” her mother said, “so you can go see your man.”

She giggled and was shocked that the sound came out of her mouth. “Yeah, my man.”

And several hours later she was at the docks waiting for her man, who hadn’t arrived back yet. She knew she was early, but she’d rather be early than late.

When she heard a helicopter coming, she thought for sure it was Lincoln, but when she stood up was told, “It’s Roxy coming in. Lincoln is still fifteen minutes out.”

“Oh,” she said, sitting back down.

She picked her phone up to go through some emails and looked up when Roxy came over to her.

“Hi,” Roxy said. “How are you doing?”

“Good,” she said. “How are you liking Boston? I never found out where you were from, but just knew you moved here when Lincoln reached out.”

“I’m from Ohio,” Roxy said. “Rural farm country. Just like Lincoln. I think that is why he and I got along so well.”

Grace smiled. “He’s easy to get along with.”

“He is,” Roxy said. “Which is surprising considering what he went through before. He doesn’t trust easily. Especially women. It was too bad that I was seeing someone when we met.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “Meaning if you weren’t you would have tried to be more than friends?”

Roxy shrugged. “Just saying. He’s a great guy. Maybe someone to hold onto. Consider yourself lucky.”

“Lincoln is coming in,” Missy said from her desk not that far away. Grace wondered if Egan’s assistant heard the conversation and was saving her or it was just good timing.

“Thanks,” she said, standing up. “I’ll go out and wait for him.”

Just the thing she didn’t want to hear from Roxy, but she wouldn’t let Lincoln know either.

She had to hope that whatever was going on with Lincoln, or was in his past, he’d open up to her just like she had him. Until then, she had to accept that maybe they’d only be able to get so far.



“How busy are you today?” Roxy asked Lincoln on Saturday. “I’ve got a few cargo trips and then I’m done by three.”

“Picking up a tour group in thirty minutes,” he said. “I can hear Missy out there talking to some of them now. I’ve got two today and then tonight I’ll be bringing over some whales to the casino that are staying the night.”

He’d taken that last flight so that Egan could get home at a decent time. Blake didn’t work much on the weekends, or she tried not to, so he’d take anything later so Egan could have family time.

Since Grace was working nights, it didn’t matter to him if he started his day later and ended later on the weekends.