“It was never about the money for you,” he said.

“No. But a lot of chefs don’t make a lot and they work long horrible hours. He’s got three kids he rarely sees and his wife is pregnant with a fourth. She’s a stay-at-home mother. That money would go a long way for them. For me, it’d get invested.”

Lincoln couldn’t imagine what he’d do with a large payout like that.

He had more money than he ever thought he’d have. When he got bonuses, he was still stunned by the amount and did the same thing. He invested wisely.

He’d lived too much of his life knowing that tomorrow might bring heartache and disaster.

“Your family is going to be proud of you regardless of winning or even making it to the finale,” he said. “Which they know you did.”

“They do. Employees won’t. It was agreed that everyone would be told I’d be there the whole week regardless in case they bring people back to help out at the end. I’m glad that didn’t come about. I didn’t care for some of the contestants and wouldn’t want them touching my food.” She wiped her hand over her forehead. “Phew. It feels so good to say that and not worry about a camera being in my face. I don’t know how people do it. Guarding your words nonstop is hard work.”

He laughed at her. The jet was getting ready for takeoff and they buckled in and relaxed. It was only seven in the morning, but with the time change and the flight time, then Egan meeting them at Logan and getting back to the island, they’d be back around dinner.

“Not everyone likes all eyes on them,” he said.

“Never me. Another reason I like not having the last name of Bond.”

He knew that about her. He supposed what happened a few days ago was just another example of what she’d have to live with.

Many would say that was a small price to pay for the wealth and privilege.

“But as you found out, it means nothing,” he said.

“Exactly. Another reason to go back to my island and live my quiet life.”

“Tell me about it,” he said. “I know you’ve got to work tomorrow.”

“You too,” she said. “I feel bad you spent most of the week doing nothing. You’re working all next week like me, right?”

“I’ve got Tuesday off,” he said.

He knew she was going to work the whole week after being gone last minute. He’d told Egan to schedule him too, but Egan said he’d still get Tuesday off. He supposed he’d need it to get shit done around his house after being gone for a week.

“I’m going to just be working in the kitchen days Monday and Tuesday,” she said. “Maybe you can stay Monday night if you’re back early enough.”

“I can do that,” he said. “If I know Egan he kept it light for me. Or an early day.”

“Good,” she said. “So no more talk about this past week. I’m going to get enough questions when I return home. Let’s talk about you.”

“Me?” he asked.

“You said you’d talk about your time in the service when it was done. Did you think I’d forget?”

She was laughing when she said it. “I’d hoped,” he said. “But I don’t have much to hide. There are things I can’t tell you. You know that, I’m sure.”

“I do. Just answer the question I asked you yesterday.”

“Yes,” he said. “I’ve flown a helicopter for a sniper before. More times than I care to remember. Rescue missions too. I’m not sure what is worse.”

She laid her head on his shoulder and reached for his hand. “Why? Sometimes I think you need to talk about your past and you don’t want to. I don’t know if that makes you who you are or not. You’ve talked about being burned before and there is a part of me that thinks it had to do with a woman you dated in the service that couldn’t handle it.”

He wasn’t going to lie, but he wasn’t going to tell her about Lara either. It didn’t seem to be the place and unless she asked for specifics, he’d hold it back. Being a coward again, he knew. He wasn’t going to be able to brush this off and wondered why he kept doing it.

“No,” he said. “I didn’t date anyone seriously in the service.” She could read that any way she wanted. She could take it as the years after or before. “As for what is worse, snipers are killing. Killing enemies, but death is still death. It’s hard to push that from your mind. That you played a part in the ending of someone’s life.”

“Even if that person had it coming to them?” she asked. “Not that I think I could ever do that, but the truth is, we never know what we are fully capable of until we are put into a situation like that.”