“I’m going to put this in the hall and then you’re getting your massage. Close your eyes and try to get some sleep. Don’t worry about me.”

She took her shorts off. Lincoln was pulling her shirt over her head and she didn’t protest. She lay face down on the cool sheets and closed her eyes.

The minute his hands touched her back, she was positive she was sleeping rather than being worked up.

She’d make it up to him when they got home.



“So, I got some interesting information last night,” Destiny said to her and Pierre the next morning.

Grace could tell by the look on her competitor’s face she wasn’t going to like what was about to be said.

The last day before they got to the final two. It should be somewhat of a light day. A half a day they’d been told because the finale tomorrow was going to be huge, even though they’d been given no clue what it was.

Since this was the first time this competition had aired, there were no previous seasons for anyone to study up on.

“What’s that?” Pierre asked. She wasn’t going to be baited and even Pierre had looked at her before he asked.

“That there were only supposed to be eight contestants for the show, but at the last minute they added a ninth person.”

Grace shrugged. At this point she didn’t care. All she knew was that someone dropped out. That was what she’d been told.

Nope, she didn’t apply and she’d never admit that to anyone. Actually, it’d been part of the papers she’d signed to not disclose that information.

“I don’t know anything about that,” she said. “Not sure how you found out.”

“My husband was at the beach when they were setting up yesterday. He overheard the crew talking that someone was invited and had every right to still be here becauseshewas good enough to get this far. Since it wasn’t me that was invited, it must be you.”

She didn’t know if Destiny was playing with her or not. “I’m here for the same reasons you are. The same as Pierre. Not sure what your husband overheard or from whom.”

It wasn’t a lie. She was here to get publicity for the resort she worked at. Sure, the chefs would win the money, but the object of this was exposure to the wedding destinations on the East and West Coast.

“Did your boss put you up to this?” Destiny asked her. “Mine were contacted and applied. I didn’t know the competition existed. Just trying to see if everyone else got here the same way.”

It didn’t sound too far off from what happened to her. Hunter was contacted, but he hadn’t applied.

She looked at Pierre. “That is how it went down for me,” he said. “I didn’t apply personally. The owners of my resort did. This is about them, but the prize goes to me if I win. They are winning right now by me making it this far.”

“The same,” she said. That wasn’t a lie in the least and made her feel better.

Nope, she didn’t apply personally.

“Is it true that you’re related to the Bond family, Grace?” Destiny asked with a huge smile on her face. “You know, the ones that own The Retreat on Amore Island. TheBondRetreat.”

Shit. She’d hoped this wouldn’t come out until the competition was completed.

“Does it matter?” she asked. “I’m the head chef just like the two of you are. We both work at highly sought out wedding destinations.”

“She’s got a point,” Pierre said.

“Yes,” Destiny said, “but Grace has a bigger stake in it. My husband did a little research on you both last night. Since I’m going to the end with one of you, might as well know what I’m up against. Once he got into the rabbit hole of the internet he found out all sorts of things. You’re not just related to the Bond family, your grandfather is Steven Bond. Your uncle and first cousin now run The Retreat. Correct?”

“You know what they say, everything you read on the internet is true.”

Pierre laughed at her sarcastic comment.