“Best decision of his life,” Egan said, laughing.

“It was,” he said. “And two years ago, Blake missed the ferry and was cursing and swearing over it. Out walked Egan to save the day once again, giving his new wife a lift to the island.”

“Best day of my life missing that ferry,” Blake said.

There was a roar of clapping to that statement and cheers when Egan kissed Blake.

“It amazes me how those docks and this island can change so many people’s lives for the better. And I know, the lore and legend and all. We get it. But the truth is, it’s the newly married couple that is getting it. Their happy ever after.” He raised his glass. “To many more memories.”

“And babies,” Egan said.

Blake rolled her eyes.

“I could finish this faster if everyone stopped interrupting me.” He paused and grinned at the married couple. “Everyone raise your glass and toast the happy couple. As I said, to many more beautiful memories. When two people are meant for each other, they know it the minute they lock eyes.” Blake and Egan were looking at each other and kissed almost on cue. He didn’t even have to say anything else as there were cheers and clapping and he could sip his champagne and sit his ass down.

“Dude,” Egan said with his eyes all glossy again. “That was perfect.”

“Blake, he’s getting emotional again. Did you know you signed up for this?”

Egan laughed and Blake leaned forward. “The good with the bad. One of us has to be the emotional one. It’s his turn.”

He felt a tingling on the back of his neck and turned his head to see Grace’s eyes on his. She smiled and he winked at her.

“Looks like someone else is locking eyes too,” Egan said.

“Ass,” he said, but he kept his grin in place.



“That was a great speech,” Grace said to Lincoln forty minutes later.

The minute Lincoln was done talking, the head table got their first course and everyone else’s was brought out within minutes.

Every single employee must have been working, in her mind, with how fast the food was being delivered.

Even the main course came out faster than she’d been able to do and wanted to find out how that was possible.

If it was the fact that it was staffing, she didn’t see how Hunter would ever approve that many working at once, but if the price was right for a higher-end wedding, she might be able to convince him.

She’d make some mental notes to bring to her cousin next week and let him talk to Eli about it. Or let her reach out to the restaurant here at the casino to verify what she believed was the case.

Eli’s reception had moved quickly too but not as fast as this. Of course Eli had a much bigger wedding so that stood to reason.

“Thanks,” Lincoln said.

He’d walked over to her table when he was done with his meal. Most were done eating here too. It was her and her family, her Aunt Melissa, Uncle Noah, Roark, Chelsea and Emma. Ashley was babysitting multiple kids in Eli’s penthouse with the help of two of her friends.

“I have to say you look very nice.” She ran her hand over his arm.

“The same,” he said.

“Look at you two dancing around each other,” Emma said. “Are you going to at least dance together?”

“I’m not into dancing,” he said.

“A slow song,” Grace said. “We did that at Carter’s wedding and we can do it again.”