“What?” Vivian snapped.
“I was looking at the ticket as I plated. They wanted a side of home fries.”
Vivian marched over to the computer, punched it in and saw it. “They must have added that last minute.”
Which wasn’t possible, but she wouldn’t say that. “I’ll make them if you want,” Tracy offered. “I can do it quickly if you’re in the middle of that order.”
“I don’t care,” Vivian said, whipping her head and stalking back to her station. “And if you mess them up and they are returned, it’s on you. Maybe you’ll learn to do your job better then.”
Grace rolled her eyes but watched as Tracy quickly got a pan out, found the prepared potatoes, dropped them in the fryer to crisp them and got a nice par-cook, then put them in a pan to finish them off with seasonings.
Exactly how she’d been teaching the line cooks to do it.
She knew that no one had trained Tracy so that meant her new employee was observing and taking notes.
When Tracy finished with the breakfast, she left to deliver it.
Grace walked closer. “Tracy did a good job with the home fries just now. I didn’t realize you had taught her how to make them.”
She wanted to see what Vivian said. “Yeah, she catches on fast.”
Not lying but not offering the truth either. “Good,” Grace said. “Tomorrow I’m going to spend some time with her in the morning and then next weekend for her shifts, she’s going to be preparing several of the breakfast items. Not all, but several.”
Vivian just nodded her head. “Heard.”
“And since she’s new, I’d appreciate a little bit of patience with her the same as anyone else that is new.”
“Always,” Vivian said. “I’m not sure what you might have heard that made you think it doesn’t happen.”
“It’s not always what I hear but what I see,” she said. “I’malwayswatching and you’d do well to remember that.”
She said it firmly, her eyes never leaving Vivian. “Got it.”
“Do you though? Just because it’s not always easy to find staff on the island doesn’t mean people aren’t banging down my door to get in here. People should remember and respect that. If one rotten apple is going to make the rest turn bad, that one’s going no matter how sweet they think they are.”
She could see Vivian’s face turn red. She got her point across.
Nor did she miss the swear word under Vivian’s breath when Grace walked away.
She’d been called worse before and would be again.
Sometimes you just had to be strict with staff because being nice didn’t cut it.
When she got back to her office, she noticed her phone had a message on it. She’d left it on the desk.
She picked it up to see a text and a picture from Lincoln. He was showing her his mother’s herb garden.
Home garden goals, she typed.
My mother was happy to hear about you. She’s sending me home with cuttings of her herbs for you to grow from. Hope you know how because I don’t.
The smile filled her face. Talk about super sweet.
She typed that she had it covered and told him to say thanks for her.
“What has you grinning like that?”
Grace looked over to see Hunter standing in her doorway. He hardly ever came into the kitchen unless he was looking for her or he wanted food.