“Owning your own business is more responsibility if you ask me,” he said. “I see it with Egan. As laid back as he is, he still has to deal with things that I wouldn’t want. I like showing up and filling the schedule and going home at night with no stress of payroll or getting customers.”

“Exactly!” she said. “I leave that to Hunter. Nothing is easy, but this allows me to focus on what I enjoy. And when I’m not cooking, then I can relax with a sexy pilot that I can’t wait to see naked soon. I don’t have to have my brain filled with things to improve a business because I don’t own one.”

“But you’ll have businesses come to you at some point,” he said. Might as well get it out in the open.

“Sure, I will, but I won’t do much with them. I think it will fall on Skyler when it gets there. Or there are six of us grandkids. My mother is one of three kids. All those businesses that my grandfather has, some are in his kids’ names with him already. I’m not worried about those things. To me, there are plenty of others to worry about it. Hailey, Hunter, Roark and Skyler are at the top of the lists. Emma and I, we are doing our thing.”

“Good for you,” he said. “Everyone should be able to do that.”

“They should,” she said. “Oh crap. And there is my big brother over there on the dock.”

They’d paddled some and then turned to head back. “Should we stop and say hi or keep paddling past him and make him wait until we are ready to be done?”

“I say make him wait,” she said, laughing. “It’s not like I don’t have something for him.”

She’d brought food that was in his truck that she was going to leave for her brother. He could appreciate that she thought to do that before they left.

They paddled back toward Skyler’s house, moving along the dock where Skyler stood with his hands in his pocket.

“I’m just following your sister,” he said, smirking. “She calls the shots.”

Skyler laughed. “She might make you pay for that later even though she’ll be happy you’re letting her do it.”

He looked over at Grace and saw the frown on her face. If she didn’t have sunglasses on, he’d bet she was squinting on top of it.

He was only joking and being himself and he’d take his licks for that if it came to it.

But twenty minutes later when they returned, Skyler was sitting in a chair on the dock waiting still.

Lincoln got out of the kayak first and pulled it onto the dock, then turned to help get Grace’s out of the water.

“I brought you food,” Grace said to her brother.

“Sweet,” Skyler said. “You two having a nice day off?”

There was no need for introductions. He and Skyler knew each other.

“We are,” he said.

“I heard you built my sister some shelves,” Skyler said.

“After I had to twist her arm,” he said.

“I fed him,” she said. “It’s all he’d take.”

“My sister doesn’t accept help from many. Almost no one outside the family,” Skyler said.

He wasn’t shocked to hear that. “I’ll count myself as lucky.”

“You should,” Skyler said, then turned to Grace. “What did you make me?”

“Asshole,” she said, giving her brother a shove and sending him off the dock.

When Skyler surfaced, Lincoln wasn’t sure which one of them was more shocked over that move.

He held his hand out and helped Grace’s brother up. “Do I want to know what that was about?”

Skyler laughed. “My sister showing she doesn’t like my interference. Good thing I left my phone on the chair.”