Being attracted to a woman he could never see himself with was sure the hell up there high on that list.
“You’d be surprised,” she said. “At least I think I’m simple but guess too many times in my life I’m judged for where I came from.”
He snorted. “Don’t I know that.”
She took another sip of her drink. “So tell me,” she said. “Where are you from and how did you land on Amore Island working for my cousin? I know you were in the Air Force but not much else.”
“Just conversation during our drink or don’t you want to go home yet? Still trying to unwind?”
He wasn’t sure what this whole night was about, but having a drink with a sexy woman wasn’t something he’d ever say no to either.
“That and some more,” she said. “Maybe I’m curious about you.”
It was the grin that told him there was more going on, but he wasn’t one for playing games with women out of his league.
Been there and done that and wasn’t about to put himself in that situation again. Once was enough and the amount of guilt on his shoulders still weighed him down more than carrying two hundred pounds through mud.
“I can be an open book,” he said. “Know how I’d said luck doesn’t have you landing places?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Well, it did me.”
“I’ve got to hear this,” she said.
“I was visiting a friend in Boston after getting out of the service. It’s not like I had much going on, I was still trying to find a job.”
“Where are you from?” she asked. “You didn’t say.”
“Scranton, Pennsylvania. I was staying with my parents at that point. I wasn’t tied to staying in the area but needed a landing spot for the short term.”
“Parents are good like that,” she said.
“So, the night I was with my friend in Boston, we decided to hit this bar up on the docks and had taken a wrong turn. Rather than drive in circles, we pulled over and I walked into Bond Charter. I’m not beyond asking for directions if I’m lost.”
“Says not a lot of men,” she said, laughing.
“Very true, but we wanted that drink. I figured it was a Charter company, I’d fit right in talking to someone. There was Egan talking to his father about needing another pilot soon. But before they could buy a second helicopter they needed more business, but in order for that, they needed another pilot.”
“Wow,” she said. “That is lucky. Or fate. As I’m sure you know, this island is known for that.”
“When it comes to love,” he said, laughing. “Though we all know Egan gets picked on for being lucky. Blake tells him that all the time. But I bust his ass how lucky he was I walked in that night.”
So yeah, sometimes luck happened and it happened to him too.
“Egan could always step in crap and smell like an apple pie.”
“Before I could say why I was there, I’d said I was a helicopter pilot and looking for a job.”
“What was their reaction?” she asked. “I never heard this story.”
The two Bond men turned and looked at him, Egan the first to start firing questions off, Mitchell standing there shaking his head.
He’d later learned that was Egan’s nature, not to plan it out, and he’d been given an interview on the spot while his buddy walked in and wanted to know what was taking so long to get directions.
“I had an impromptu interview right there. My buddy came in after ten minutes wondering if I was the one lost in a building. Egan ended up joining us at the bar and the interview continued.”
Before they left for the night, he’d given all his information to Egan and was told if Lincoln was serious they’d run a background check and get references and get back to him.