"Per la famiglia," Marco echoes, his eyes filled with determination.

"Per la famiglia," I agree, my voice resolute as I prepare to face the next wave of attackers.

We continue with our strategy, taking out Rafaele's men one by one. Their retreat is slow, but it's happening. I can see fear in their eyes already.

"Push 'em back!" I shout, exchanging brief glances with my men.

"Si, Boss!" they shout back, their voices fierce and full of conviction.

"Keep pushing forward!" I command, gritting my teeth as I force my body to move despite the burning ache in my legs. "We can't let them regain ground!”

With time, we succeed. The men begin to retreat. I never see Rafaele, but my anger for him only grows as the last echoes of gunfire fade into silence, leaving only the heavy breaths of my men and the distant crackle of fire in its wake.

Chapter 40


I pace up and down inside the safe room for a few minutes, repeating the code for access to the diamond, fearing I might forget it: DMJPS1100, DMJPS1100, DMJPS1100. At times, I stop mid-code from thoughts so petrifying that I almost believe they’re real. I know Rafaele said he won’t harm Fiero, but what if one of his lackeys shoots him instead?

I mutter a prayer for Fiero’s safety and wish I had the privilege of being the woman by his side who can think only about him.

But I’m not that woman, and I don’t have that option. I need to get out of here to end this once and for all. I listen through the walls - sirens wail, and gunshots ring outside in the gardens. Things are quieter in the hallways behind the door, which means that Rafaele’s drawn them outside, just as he had planned.

Now, it’s my turn to keep up my end of the bargain.

I crack open the door just a little and peek out. The hallway’s empty. I slip out, scanning the corridor and peeking down from the banister. Smoke and shouting filled the air from the floor below, guards rushing around in a panic. Everything is in disarray since most of the people are outside.


I move swiftly towards the treasure room, having memorized the route on our run to the safe room. Two more turns. Nearly there.

At last, I reached the unassuming door we went through before accessing the treasure room. It’s locked, but I pull out a hairpin and pick the lock until I feel the vibration from that tiny, almost undetectable click as the lock disengages.

I move forward, and there’s another corridor with multiple doors leading to different rooms. I place my hand on the wall and begin walking forward until I find the concealed panel with the eye detection software.

My hands tremble as I uncover the lid and bend lower to reach the eye level for my retinal scan. I wait, gut-clenching, to be approved.

My nerves dissipate the minute the scanner turns green and releases the small keyboard for the digital code. I press the digits with trembling fingers: DMJPS1100.

The vault door swings open silently, revealing the glittering prize within. I step in, closing the door behind me, afraid one of Fiero’s guys might be passing and notice it open.

I turn around, and there it is.

The diamond sits on a pedestal in a glass box at the center of the room, shimmering blue light dancing across the walls. Its facets catch the dim light of the hallway, fracturing it into a thousand pinpricks of color.

I catch my breath at the sight. I could gaze upon the Heart of Italy a million times, and yet it would always hold the power to take my breath away. How many weeks have I spent dreaming of this very moment, plotting and planning to seize this jewel and, with it, take back control of my life?

The ache for freedom is so severe that I almost run to the glass box. I open it, and my fingers close around the diamond. At long last, it’s mine, and I can’t wait to hand it over to Rafaele and get rid of it.

However beautiful a thing it might be, I never wish to lay eyes on it again.

I shove it inside a zipped pocket, lining the inside of my coat, and zip it shut, keeping it secure.

I've gotten the prize at last. Now, to make my escape.

I close both the doors on the way to the corridor. The minute I find myself at the corner of the hallway, my anxiety racks up. I thought getting the diamond would be the most wretched part of the plan, but the thought of getting caught on the way out when I’m so close to escape chokes the air out of me.

I never thought of how I’d escape. There are only two ways in and out of this mansion: the main door and the kitchen. To access both, I need to get to the foyer.