As Fiero leads me through the winding maze of hallways, I feel dread bubbling within me. This is my chance to see the diamond – and to steal it for Rafaele – but what if I'm caught? If I’m caught, Rafaele might think I’ve bailed and still come for Fiero…

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask hesitantly, my heart pounding in my chest. I don’t know why I said the words out loud and realize my foolishness as I do. It’s not like there’s another way through this, is there?

"Romola," Fiero replies, stopping in his tracks to look at me with those piercing green eyes. "I trust you, and if seeing the diamond can bring you some peace of mind, then I am more than willing to share it with you."

His words warm my soul but also twist a knife in my gut – how can I betray him when he shows me such kindness and trust? Yet, I cannot forget my deal with Rafaele. I struggle to maintain my composure as Fiero leads me further into the depths of his home.

"Here we are," he says, finally stopping before an unassuming door tucked away in a shadowy corner. He reaches for the handle but not before giving me a reassuring smile. "Are you ready?"

All I can do is nod. He unlocks it with a regular looking key, and we pass through.

As we approach the room housing the diamond, Fiero slows his steps and turns to me, his hazel green eyes serious. "Before we enter, I need you to understand how important the security measures are."

"First," he points to a small panel beside the door, "there's an eye scanner that only grants access to authorized individuals. I’ll put you in as an authorized one now, or you can’t enter. Then, there's a code that must be entered, known only to me." He gazes intently at me as if assessing my reaction. "The security system is designed to keep the diamond safe at all costs."

I swallow hard, forcing myself to maintain eye contact as I commit every detail to memory. "Of course, Fiero," I reply, feigning innocence. "I understand the gravity of your secret.”

"Good," he says, the tension in his voice easing slightly. He steps forward and presses his eye to the scanner, a soft beep confirming his identity. Then, he makes me do the same and adds me to his list of approved members. Carefully, he inputs the code, and I watch closely, noting the sequence. DMJPS1100.

With a final click, the door unlocks, and Fiero slowly pushes it open. The room beyond is dimly lit, the walls lined with dark wood and adorned with various pieces of art. But my attention is immediately drawn to the glass case sitting proudly in the center of the room, a brilliant blue glow emanating from within.

"Behold, Romola," Fiero whispers, stepping aside to give me a better view. It's the Heart of Italy."

My breath catches in my throat as I take in the sight before me. The blue diamond is even more striking than I had remembered, its facets casting a mesmerizing, ethereal glow throughout the room. It's almost as if the stone itself is alive, and I can only imagine what the full one would look like once rejoined.

"Extraordinary, isn't it?" Fiero murmurs, watching my reaction with a mix of pride and fascination. "I've never seen anything quite like it."

"Neither have I," I admit quietly, my voice trembling with emotion. For a moment, I forget about Rafaele and our plan, lost in the beauty of the diamond before me. But as the reality of my situation comes crashing back down, I force myself to focus on what needs to be done – even if it means breaking Fiero's heart.

"May I touch it?" I begin hesitantly, my hand hovering inches from the glass case.

Fiero studies me for a moment before nodding. "Of course," he says, his voice barely audible. "Just be gentle."

I reach out, my fingers trembling with anticipation, but stop just short of making contact. The urge to touch the diamond – to feel its smooth, cold surface against my skin – is almost overwhelming, but I know I must resist.

My true purpose here is not to admire this incredible gemstone but to steal it for Rafaele. And I can't afford any slip-ups. I need to time this right. If Rafaele attacks while we’re in here, I could take it as Fiero gets distracted.

"Romola, are you alright?" Fiero asks, concern etching his features.

"Y-yes," I stammer, withdrawing my hand and trying to regain my composure as I buy time. I just need to stall a few more minutes. "It's's even more beautiful than I imagined. Are you sure I can touch it?"

"Indeed," Fiero agrees, his eyes never leaving the diamond. "There's something about it that's almost...otherworldly."

As if on cue, a blaring alarm shatters the silence, jolting us both out of our reverie. Panic floods the room, red lights flashing wildly as Fiero curses under his breath.

I don’t have the stone in my hand. I’m too late.

"Damn it," he mutters, his eyes darting around the room in search of an explanation for the sudden chaos. "We need to get out of here."

"Wh-what's happening?" I ask, my pulse skyrocketing as I struggle to keep my fear of this failure in check.

Fiero doesn't answer, instead grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door, leaving me no choice but to follow him. “What’s going on, Fiero?” I scream through the blaring sirens, pretending to be ignorant…

“We’re being attacked,” he says.

“Attacked?” I gasp. “By who?”

“I don’t know,” he frowns, running even faster.