Chapter 36


Later, back at Fiero’s compound, the moon casts a soft glow over Fiero and me. “Come in,” he says.

“I must go,” I insist. Our fingers linger as we reluctantly pull away from our tender embrace; his eyes are filled with concern.

"Romola, I don't like the idea of you going home alone tonight," Fiero says, worry etched on his face. "It's not safe."

I look into those piercing green eyes, and my heart swells with affection – and stubborn resolve. "Fiero, I appreciate your concern, but I’ve been with you for far too many nights. We can’t continue this way."

“Move in,” he says, no trace of a joke in his voice.

I look up at him and smile. His offer, and what it implies, is alluring, but it’s too soon. "I have responsibilities at home, and I cannot just abandon them. I have some work to look into, sort out Papà’s paperwork, catch up with some old friends." I don’t dare tell him about the troubles we’ve had at the bakery and that I really need to check up on things.

I also think of Serafina and how much has happened since I’ve seen her last.

Fiero sighs, clearly unhappy with my decision, but he knows my independence is crucial to who I am, and I will not relinquish it so easily.

"Alright," he concedes, running a hand through his short, blond hair in frustration. "But promise me you'll be extra careful, Romola. As you’ve noticed, things can get a little dangerous when you’re by my side. Check in with me at decent intervals, will you?”

"I promise," I reply, my grey eyes meeting his once more, signaling that I’m serious about honoring this promise.

As I turn to leave, Fiero catches my hand. “Let me drop you back home,” he says.

I shake my head. “I’m just going to walk it, I think. I could use some time to clear my head.”

He frowns and shakes his head lightly. “It can’t be safe, walking.”

“Fiero. I used to love walking. I’m not stopping my regular life because you’re in it. I can’t,” I wring my hands, feeling prickly. Hopefully, my VW Beetle is still where I parked it two days ago.

He looks worried like he might be asking for too much, and after a short internal struggle, he nods at me. He leans over and gives me a soft kiss on my cheeks. “I wish you’d stay, but if you must go, then so be it. If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to call me.”

"Thank you, Fiero," I say, tingling with his sweetness.

With a final nod, I step away from him and turn. I begin walking, and half a minute later, I hear him shout through the night. “See me tomorrow?”

I turn, laughter rising up my chest. “You have no patience, do you?” I shout back, walking backward now, looking at him as I do.

“Please. Tomorrow!” he begs again, playfully getting to his knees and extending his arms to the sky.

“Fine, Romeo! I’ll be back tomorrow then,” I scream back and blow him a kiss before turning my back to him and walking out the gate with a big smile.

It’s dark on the streets of Rome, but I don’t mind the peace and quiet. This is how I love the city best. When all are in their homes, and I feel like the streets belong to me and me alone.

The night air is cool and crisp, filling my lungs with freshness. I stroll to where I left my car, smiling when it comes into view. Papà had come with me the day I bought it. I had saved up enough money from a couple of small jobs I did with him.

We bought it from an old lady in the neighborhood. She knew Papà from the circus and the bakery and sold it to us for a good price.

"Stop," a voice calls out from the darkness, accompanied by the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly from behind. I tightened my grip on my bag and began to hasten my steps without turning to look back, suddenly vigilant, praying that this voice was talking to someone else.

My heart races. Instinctively, I reach for my phone, but it's too late. Strong arms wrap around me, pinning my arms to my sides and lifting me off the ground.

"Let go of me!" I struggle against my captor's hold. Panic sets in. My mind races, searching for a way to escape. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Quiet, signorina," the deep voice growls into my ear, breath hot against my skin. The walls close in on me. He’s too strong.

"Please," I try to regain control over my shaking voice. " You can take my bag and all the money I have in it. Just don’t hurt me."