Yet, we sit in silence. It’s just that I have so much to say, and there’s this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to think before I speak because we’ve reached a point of no return, and I could do more damage than good.

Fiero wouldn’t deserve that. Today, he’s shown me the full force of just how far he’s willing to go for me. He’s thrown all previous plans to the wind and bore himself with disappointment only to get me the help he saw I needed.

The only words he’s said so far were the ones when we just sat in the car. "Romola, whatever is troubling you, know that I'm here for you," he said softly, leaving me to my own devices right after.

When Rafaele first enlisted Papà and I into this mission, I thought his nemesis would be as cold and calculating as Rafaele Bressan. Never in a million years did I think the man I was to steal from would open his heart to me with such warmth.

A tear comes to my eyes, and I keep my face looking out the window to make sure Fiero can’t see me. Fiero doesn’t deserve this. I’m starting to lose all faith in myself, and my conscience is warring with me, demanding I come clean and put an end to this madness.

I question everything. What if I told Fiero the truth about Rafaele and why I entered his life? Perhaps he would be angry and ban me from his world. Rafaele would find me. Rafaele would kill me.

Yet, it is not death I fear anymore. My heart aches at the thought of putting Fiero in harm's way, and I quickly dismiss the idea.

I know Fiero would want vengeance if he discovers Rafaele’s plot. After Fiero makes sure I’m gone from his life, he will go to Rafaele to avenge his deceit. Knowing Rafaele’s brutality, I can’t bear to be responsible if something happens to Fiero.

Whether Fiero chooses to remain with me or kick me to the curb, one thing is certain: He will attack Rafaele.

And Rafaele might torture him, brutalize him.

A shudder goes down my spine. I can’t deliver Fiero to such a damning fate. The only thing I can do is stick to the plan. I can give the diamond to Rafaele, and Fiero won’t ever find out who was behind it.

He’ll be hurt at my betrayal. He’d hunt me for revenge. But he’d be safe from Rafaele’s cruelty, and that’s all need.

It’s best I remain quiet and save Fiero’s life.

The sun sets with a burnt orange glow as we approach a large nature park on the outskirts of Rome. Surrounded by vast stretches of foliage with no humans or buildings in sight, the park emanates an air of forgotten times when the world was free for all animals and humans alike.

Its simplicity already begins to heal me.

"Sybil lives here," Fiero says, pulling the car to a stop outside a low fence. We step out, and he points through the fence to a small hut that I hadn’t noticed before. "He's helped many people find answers they couldn't find elsewhere."

"Thank you for bringing me here," I say. I'm not sure what to expect from this Seer, but if he can help me make sense of the chaos surrounding Papà's death and the danger I’m entrapped in, then perhaps I can finally find some peace.

Fiero tells his men to wait on the road, and we walk toward the fence. There’s no gate in sight, and then I notice it—the tiniest wire stuck into some barbed one. He opens the wire, and a makeshift gate appears. We walk in, and he closes the fence.

The walk is slightly uphill and winding through grass filled with wildflowers. The cottage inches closer, and by the time we reach it, I’m almost breathless.

Only once I catch my breath do I notice the beauty of this place. The small hut is quaint, made of wooden logs with a thatched roof. Birds chirp away from overhead branches offering shade.

As we step onto the wooden porch, the scent of herbs and incense fills the air, mingling with the earthy fragrance of the countryside.

Fiero knocks on the door, which creaks open slowly to reveal an elderly man standing inside. He is dressed in simple linen robes, his eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom. His white hair is balding at the crown, yet his beard runs long, and his eyes are wrinkled from years of laughter.

Without a word but with a smile, he gestures for us to enter.

“Sybil,” Fiero takes his hands in his, staring into his hands. “I know you don’t see many people now, and I hate to bring you out of your solace, old friend. But Romola here means the world to me, and she seeks your blessings.”

"Welcome, Romola," Sybil says, his voice soft and soothing.

I nod, mesmerized by the Seer's presence. His gaze pierces through me as if he already knows my deepest fears and darkest secrets. He walks over and reaches out, taking my hand in his and gently touching my face. I feel seen, special, and touched. I already feel calm.

"Your pain weighs heavy upon your soul, dear child," Sybil whispers. "But I believe in your ability to heal. Let us delve into the unknown to find the answers you seek."

"Please, help me understand," I plead, my voice trembling. I have so many questions. I need to know if Papà is at peace, if the sacrifices I've made are worth it, and last but not least, if Fiero and I can truly have a future together amidst the treachery that surrounds us.

"Of course, child," Sybil says with a gentle smile. "You have come to the right place."

The Seer leads me away from Fiero towards a small room hidden behind a worn door. There are no windows here, just candles and smoke from the incense sticks. The walls are adorned with ancient parchments and symbols. It’s a different realm, an old-world order.