"Just testing," I whisper, my breath tickling her ear. "But the dance is right, my dear. The steps are right, and the partner is, too."

Without warning, she turns to me, her eyes flashing with sheer desire. "You propose the most unexpected things, Fiero," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "But you seem to know what you're doing."

“I do,” I grin and slowly begin to pulse my finger in her. Minutes pass by, and turbulence hits, yet I don’t let go. I curve my finger in a C-shape and use my thumb to rub her clit, tapping the tip of my inserted finger on her clit from within her.

She moans and arches her back, the blanket threatening to fall off. I adjust it with my other hand. “I’m cumming. I’m cumming, Fiero.”

“Cum, baby.” I grin. “Cum.”

Just then, I notice movement in front of me. Perfect timing.

“Romola, open your eyes and keep a straight face.”

“What?” she says, opening her eyes, her pussy convulsing around me, her face flushed. She notices the attendant walk toward us and holds herself still as her legs tremble beneath the blanket. I keep one hand in her and the other right outside.

The air hostess doesn’t even notice as she pours our drinks and leaves.

As she does, I begin to pound her with my finger again. She cums, her ass almost off the chair, gripping the armrest.

Once she’s done and the final waves of her orgasm leave, I slowly pull out my finger. She watches as I bring it to my mouth and lick it clean.

“You jerk,” she smacks my shoulder, huffing at me. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again!”

“What’ll you do?” I ask curiously.

“I’ll fuckin’ turn the tables on you,” she says, reaching over and giving my cock a playful squeeze.

“Oh, I can’t wait.”

Chapter 33


I flip through the pages of my book while Romola sleeps beside me. We should be arriving in Tuscany within fifteen minutes. The soft hum of the airplane engine almost lulls me to sleep, too.

I go back to my reading but can’t focus when I hear whimpers. Romola's breathing is becoming erratic. I check on her, and her face contorted in pain, eyes squeezed shut. She starts mumbling, her body writhing on the chair.

“Romola,” I immediately cast aside the book and leaned over her, gently rubbing her arm. “Romola, my love. It’s okay, I’m right here.”

I read somewhere not to wake a person from a nightmare in a rush. It can cause even further anxiety. I try to make her feel my touch gently. I lightly linger my hand on her forehead and her neck, but her whimpers turn to quiet cries.

I realize that her torment runs deeper than I had anticipated, and I want to relieve her of this misery.

"Romola," I say a little louder, shaking her gently now to rouse her from the grips of her nightmare. At last, she wakes with a jerk, her eyes fluttering open, looking terrified.

"Hey, it's okay. You were just having a bad dream," I reassure her, my hand still on her arm. I remove the armrest between us and pull her into my chest.

"Fi-fiero..." she stammers, tears streaming down her cheeks. She clings to me, burying her face in my chest as sobs wrack her body. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close.

"Shh, I'm here. You're safe," I murmur into her hair, trying to comfort her as best as I can. Her body trembles against mine, and I can tell that whatever grieved her in her dreams does so now as well.

"Everything was so vivid... I felt so helpless," she whispers between sobs. Her words break my heart.

"Shh. Let it out, Romola. It's okay to cry, to get it off your chest," I tell her.

When she doesn’t say more, I try to find the right words to ask about her nightmare. "Romola, do you want to tell me what happened in your dream? Maybe it will help to talk about it." I offer, hoping this doesn’t make it worse.

A fresh wave of tears spills out of her beautiful grey eyes and breaks my heart in two. "It was... my father," she begins, her voice trembling. "In the dream, he was... he was being murdered again."