"Alright," I say, speaking despite the urge to shut this conversation down. But I still need the diamond, and I still need to get a step closer, or I’d be dead, and Papa’s sacrifice would have been for nothing. "It was a masquerade ball—everyone wore exquisite masks and gowns. The room was filled with laughter and music, but amidst the chaos, I met someone important—someone who held a deep connection to my life."

Fiero raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "And who was this person?"

"I don't know," I admit, feeling a flush of frustration. "That's the thing – I couldn't recognize them because of their mask. But it felt significant like fate was guiding us together."

"Interesting," Fiero muses, his fingers tracing idle patterns on my arm. These dreams of yours… seem so full of mystery and wonder, like glimpses into another world."

"Maybe they are," I reply. "But sometimes it's difficult to separate reality from fantasy, especially when the line between them is so blurred."

“True. But do know that the man from your dreams is here in reality. This, Romola, isn’t a fantasy. Maybe you had that dream just so we could find our way here together.”

"Perhaps," I whisper, my eyes locked with his. “These dreams I have, they’re not ordinary,” I whisper with trepidation. “Yet, no one believes me. Sometimes, I wonder if you’re just pretending to believe me.”

"Go on," he urges softly, his eyes gleaming with intrigue as he listens intently to my words.

"Ever since I was a child, I've had visions in my sleep – glimpses of the future or insights into hidden truths. It's a gift but also a burden." I pause, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I don't always understand what the dreams mean, but they often come true in some way or another."

“I believe you,” he says quietly.

“Truly?” I ask, wondering if he’s messing with me the way I am with him.

“I do. In fact, I’ll prove it to you soon.”

“Prove it to me?” I ask, confused.

“In due time,” he mutters, closing his eyes sleepily. "Until then, I believe you and I’m glad you listened to that dream and found yourself at my party. Fate is a very true thing, Romola. Can you promise me one thing?”

“Promise?” I ask, not promising a thing because I know soon enough that I’d have to break his heart while I shatter mine.

"If you ever see anything about me in your dreams, would you promise to tell me?" his hand reaches out to take mine.

"I promise," I say sadly. This is a promise I can make because the chances of me ever having such dreams are impossible.

Chapter 32


The sun is just beginning to rise. It’s early, yet I gently shake Romola's shoulder. Her thick black hair is splayed out on the pillow, framing her peaceful face. "Romola," I whisper, hating that I must disturb her this early. "Wake up, bella."

The thing is, I couldn’t sleep well last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, my mind reeling for her safety. If Rafaele is sending his men to hurt her all because she’s with me, I know other enemies won’t be far.

I’ve decided to take her away from Rome for a few days. She could use the break, given how she told me she’s been feeling overwhelmed with her life, and it might just give me the perfect chance to own up to the fact that she faced danger in the nightclub because of her association with me.

For this weekend, I’m going to take her to Tuscany. The countryside and wine could do us both some good, help us clear our heads, and rethink our future.

Her grey eyes flutter open, and it’s a sight to behold how calm they look. The barely-there glow from the light catches the natural red on her cheeks, making them look even more flushed than usual. "Fiero?" she murmurs, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?"

I smile, excited to share my surprise with her. "I have something special planned for us today," I say. “You must wake up now.”

"Really?" Romola yawns, stretching her arms above her head. She looks so adorable and vulnerable in my bed, in all her natural glory, and I want to give her a weekend to spoil her.

"Trust me," I grin, winking at her. "You're going to love it. Get dressed as fast as you can.”

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“I told you. It’s a surprise.”

"Alright, I'm ready," she announces, finally fastening the belt on her dress. She stands before me, a vision in black. "What's next?"