"Hardly," I gasp, regaining my breath. My adrenaline surges as I realize this man has the audacity to try to hurt the woman I care about. Had it been anyone else, I would have walked off at this point. But this time around, seeing her on the floor like this, in a state of fear and shock, makes me want to kill him.

I throw another punch, this time landing a solid blow to his stomach. The impact causes him to double over, and I take advantage of the moment to deliver a powerful uppercut that sends him flying backward.

"You fuckin’ bastard! How dare you lay a hand on her?" I shout, my chest heaving from exertion and my heart pounding in my ears. I stride over to where he’s now standing on his knees, struggling to get on his feet, his eyes defiant as he stares me down.

My knuckles throb with pain, but I ignore it as I stare down at Franco. He's on the ground, his face a mess of blood and bruises, but it's not enough to make him realize what a huge mistake he made. Not yet. In a swift motion, I pull my gun from its holster and point it at him, my finger steady on the trigger.

“You should have listened," I growl, my voice cold and hard. "When I told you to get the hell away from her."

Franco's eyes widen with fear as he realizes that I'm serious – that I won't hesitate to pull the trigger if he doesn't back off. With a muttered curse, he scrambles to his feet and retreats into the crowd, disappearing like a coward.

I watch till I’m certain he’s gone before turning around to her.

Romola, still trembling, looks up at me from where she’s sitting on the floor. "Thank you." I can’t hear her from all the music, but I can see her mouth the words.

I rush over to her side and gently take her in my arms, letting her rest her tired head against my chest.

"Are you alright?" I ask, feeling terrible that she’s so afraid, gently soothing her hair.

"I am now," she replies, looking up at me.

I see the fear leave her eyes and relief flood them instead as she realizes she's safe. The vulnerability she just faced tugs at my protective instincts as a man falling for a woman, and in this very moment, I know that I’d move heaven and hell to keep her safe.

"Romola," I say, my voice softening as I try to understand what just happened. "Do you know that man?"

She shakes her head, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She pauses, deep in thought, before her voice cracks with the words, "No, I've never seen him before. I don't know why he was after me."

"It doesn't matter," I tell her, trying to reassure her all the while I fall into a deep, terrifying truth I don’t want to face. "He's gone now, and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

I don’t make this promise lightly. I make it because I mean it. I need to protect her not just because keeping her safe and happy brings me joy but also because it’s clear she was in danger all because of me.

Rafaele must have heard about her and sent his dog, looking to cause trouble, in retaliation for the recent war that broke out.

I grip Romola's hand tightly, my heart racing as I realize the danger she now faces by being in my company. The good time we had been having just a little while ago faded into insignificance compared to the need to get her to safety.

"Come on," I tell her, helping her up and guiding her through the crowd with a sense of urgency. "We need to get out of here."

As we move toward the exit, the noise and commotion of the club gradually give way to the cool night air.

"Where are we going?" Romola asks, her voice shaky.

"Back to my compound, where I can make sure you remain protected" I reassure her despite her rising protest. I give her hand a gentle squeeze. "Trust me."

I call the cars and we get in, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. Opening the back door for her, I ensure she's safely seated before closing it and quickly making my way to the other side.

"Put on your seatbelt," I instruct her.

On the drive back, Romola sits beside me, still looking like a rabbit that barely escaped the hunter’s snare.

"Who was that man?" Romola asks, breaking the silence.

"Someone who shouldn't have been here," I reply curtly, not wanting to scare her further with the truth of our situation. My thoughts race – should I take her to one of our safe houses? Would she be better off elsewhere, far from my world?

But I can't bear the thought of sending her away, not when we've just begun to explore the depths of our connection and not when I know for a fact that there’s no place safer than by my side.

"Will he come after us again?" Her voice trembles, and I can't help but let out a sigh.

"Maybe. But I won't let him hurt you, Romola," I promise.