Tall-towered candles are lit by the thousands. Butterflies swirl in the air around us, their delicate wings shimmering in the light, while rabbits and ducks playfully roam nearby.

“Unbelievable,” I retort, staring at them. “You have rabbits and ducks?”

“Deer, too,” he says.

“Seriously?” I squeal, looking around for them wildly.

Fiero chuckles at my excitement. “I like to keep things interesting,” he says, leading me towards a beautiful gazebo. But not that interesting.”

“Oh you tease!” I swat his arm again, laughing at his little joke. We arrive at the gazebo draped in chiffon curtains blowing in the wind, strategically positioned to overlook a spot for the sunset. The sight takes my breath away – it feels like something straight out of a fairytale, and I struggle to reconcile this romantic setting with the dangerous man beside me.

"Wow, Fiero, this is incredible," I murmur, unable to hide my awe.

He pulls out a chair for me. The sun begins to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink, orange, and gold. It's a mesmerizing sight, and yet, in the midst of all this beauty, I feel irrevocably sad at the thought that he’s put in all this effort, only for it to come someday crashing down.

How I wish it didn’t have to be this way.

As I settle down, Fiero pours two glasses of expensive champagne. The bubbles tickle my nose as I take a sip, trying to savor the taste but unable to enjoy it.

“This is all so overwhelming,” I admit out loud, unable to keep the lingering sadness at bay. In a way, this counts for honesty. Even if it’s not the whole truth?

Fiero places his glass down and looks at me intently, his eyes searching mine. “Oh Romola,” he says out of the blue. “I’m such a fool.”

My chin jerks up, surprised at the unexpected turn of events. “Whatever do you mean, Fiero?” I urge, leaning forward to take his hand in mine.

“Here you are, still grieving your father, and I’ve forced you into a position where you might feel compelled to pretend to have a good time. Perhaps… this is all too much?” he asks with concern, waving his hands around at the scenery.

I stare at him, dumbfounded. My feeling overwhelmed had nothing to do with my father, yet Fiero thought of him when I didn’t. I’m touched, ashamed, sad, and lovestruck.

A wave of conflicting emotions crashes over me—guilt, desire, fear and an inexplicable longing for something more with this man who sits before me.

“Oh, Fiero,” I say, giving him a small smile. The weight of my lies is bearing down heavily upon me. Yet what other choice do I have but to continue lying? “It’s not about my father.”

“Oh?” he asks.

“It’s nothing,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m just in a complicated place right now. I’m questioning everything. My life, my work, my choices…” my voice trails off.

“You did mention that as we walked in,” he recalls, and I see the pressure leave his shoulders. He relaxes back into his chair and sips his champagne. "Tell me what bothers you?”

"I…" I start, hesitating as I search for the right words, knowing I can't reveal too much. "I just feel lost, you know? Like I don't belong anywhere. My work makes me see things others can’t see, and very often, people mistrust me or trust me too much, and I simply don’t know what is real and what isn’t," A half-truth, carefully crafted to skirt around the dangerous territory of my real concerns.

“Well,” he grimaces, in pain for me. “I can imagine reading the future; dreaming of things no one else can see must take a toll. Might I make a suggestion?”

"Please, tell me. I could use some guidance," I reply softly, feeling a flicker of hope ignited inside me.

Fiero leans in closer. “Take a break. Forget it all for a while and just live in the moment. Sometimes, time proves to be the best truth bearer. It might just teach you to trust in yourself to go beyond the expectations others place upon you.”

“A break,” I taste the words on my lips, realizing how futile a thing it is when a break from this mission is impossible and could prove to be my end. Instead, I look up at him and smile with a final lie: “You might just be right.”

His face breaks into delight, glowing from the setting sun. “Oh wonderful!” he claps his hands, raising his glass towards me. “Let’s begin with an unforgettable night!”

Touched by his thoughtfulness, I raise mine too. "To an unforgettable night," I respond, clinking my glass against his. We both take a sip, the crisp, effervescent liquid tingling on my tongue.

This time, I enjoy it.

In the background, music begins to play. I look around and gasp - "A string quartet? Fiero, you didn’t!”

Fiero chuckles, enjoying the surprise on my face. ”You enjoy music?”