"Yes, Sir," my soldier says, bending his knee. "Then we shall capture Rhea and her sons and bring them to you safely."

With newfound commitment, I call out to my men. "Listen closely! We have been granted an opportunity to ensure our dominion over all of Italy. But to achieve this, we must capture Rhea and her sons alive. They are to be brought back to our kingdom unharmed and raised under our protection, no matter the cost."

As the soldiers murmur their assent, they jump to action. “Let us move swiftly. Find our men along the way," I command, leading the men deeper into the forest. "Our destiny awaits."

We walk for hours, and I now wish we hadn’t left the horses at the temple's helm. An hour or so later, two of our guards approach us, running.

“We found them, Your Highness,” one says, kneeling on the ground before me. “Your niece, her babes and the Vestal Virgins. We found them.”

“Where are they?” I ask, looking around wildly.

“They seek shelter in the cemetery. They’re surrounded by our men.”

“Come,” I roar, waving my arm at my men, telling them to follow me. We run harder than we’ve ever run. The cold air whips at my face, my legs shake, and my knees hurt. My ears feel like they’re being attacked by a hundred bees.

Finally, at last, gasping for air, we reach the site. It's a graveyard, but not the grotesque horror mere mortals are taught to fear. No, this is a beautiful place maintained by the virgins, with marble statues and well-kept tombs overflowing with flowers.

Upon our arrival, the vestal virgins stand surrounding Rhea Silvia and her twins, ready to lay down their lives. My men stand behind me, awaiting orders.

"Your majesty, we need not continue this charade," one of the vestal virgins says, her voice strong and clear. "We have protected Rhea and her children from your men, but we know what you seek, and we shall not allow you to take her."

“These children are innocent,” another cries. “And they must not suffer for the ambitions of a king."

“To get to them, you will have to kill us first,” they chant in chorus, their voices almost haunting.

I look at my men, with their weapons drawn and turn back to face the women. I glance at my niece, her face ashen. I did this to her, subjected her to a life of deprivation dedicated to the gods. Yet, at this moment, all I can think of is what foolish mortal made her break her vows.

I see her spirit yearning to be free. Something washes over me, guilt perhaps, but I steel myself again. After moments of silence, I think and then speak.

“I am no fool, priestesses,” I say at last. “To harm a single hair on your heads would be antagonizing the gods. I wish no harm on my kingdom, on my men, and we know you may have no reason to believe us but on Rhea and her sons.”

“Liar,” my niece shrieks, shaking her head wildly, all the while holding on to her sons. “You killed my brother.”

“Your brother wasn’t a man of god,” I roar back, instantly regretting my rage. “But, your father lived, did he not?”

“And what kind of a life have you subjected him to, Uncle?” Rhea cries out. “One of abdication, of exile?”

“At least he lives,” I repeat. Priestesses, please—I urge you—move aside.”

A solemn hush settles over the scene as the vestal virgins exchange uneasy glances, their faces mirroring the torment of the moment. They must know that Rhea's lot is beyond their control. It must feel like a dagger is twisted in their very souls.

One of the elder priestesses steps forward, her wise eyes locking with mine. Her gaze is stern yet merciful as she speaks. "Your Majesty, the choice to take Rhea and her children is one that will weigh heavily on your conscience. The gods will judge you for this, and so shall history. We trust you as you say you are a man of God. We shall pray for her life and that of her boys. Shall harm befall them, we will curse your kingdom and the gods, as you well may know, shall heed our prayers."

“Noooo,” Rhea begins to scream, viewing this as a betrayal when it is nothing but.

The virgins step aside, allowing our men to approach. “Stay calm,” I urge them. “Harm no one.”

My heart races as I and my men surround Rhea, her eyes wide with fear. The twins are nestled in her arms, oblivious to the turmoil surrounding them. I can see the weariness and confusion in her gaze, but she remains unaware of the divine bargain I have struck. As one of my soldiers moves forward to take hold of her, she protests, her voice trembling.

"Uncle, please, do not do this," Rhea implores, her eyes brimming with tears. "Do not hurt my boys."

I watch as the soldier gently takes the twins from her grasp, handing them to the soldiers who have been tasked with ensuring their safety. Rhea trembles, her hands outstretched towards her children as if she could still protect them.

"Rhea," my voice soft with regret, "this is the only way to secure our portion and guarantee the kingdom's safety. I promise you, they will be cared for and loved as though they were my own."

“As… as your own?” she looks around her, confused.

I simply nod and look at the men to my right. “Take her to the tower of prisoners. Give her a room with the largest window for her to live out her life," I command, my voice firm despite the conflicting emotions within me. "Ensure that she is comfortable and well cared for."