Papa is gone. Dead. The grief consumes me, but it is the fire to survive that keeps me going. After everything Papa sacrificed, it would be an insult to him to let Rafaele kill me.

Even though the only thing that would bring me comfort in this very moment is death.

But death won’t come easy now, will it? I’ve got to fight.

And so, I find myself outside Fiero’s compound, completely at a loss on how to infiltrate the home alone. This time, I have no backup. I don’t have Papa breathing advice into an earphone.

I have just myself to steal that wretched diamond.

I can’t just walk in there and take the diamond. Perhaps I can try sneaking in at night, but I would certainly get caught.

The only way to do it is to enter the place again, like I belong and try my luck. But if I fail again, there won’t be a third try. I’d only come face-to-face with Rafaele’s bullet.

I sit and rack my brain, thinking of my next steps. Sneaking in isn’t an option, and hiring people to help isn’t an option. If only God could show me a way…

"Damn you, Rafaele," I whisper through gritted teeth. "I will make you pay for what you've done."

Perhaps I could gain Fiero’s trust. I must become a part of his world, worm my way into his inner circle, and gather the information I need to steal the Heart of Italy. It won't be easy, and I don’t even know how I can make it happen.

Just then, a sign appears. A sudden commotion catches my attention, and I see the compound gates open and trucks pulling into Fiero's house. I watch as they begin unloading - tents, chafing dishes, long tables, chairs.

It seems he's having a party, providing me with the perfect opportunity to infiltrate his world. My eyes widen with curiosity, and my heart races at the thought of gaining access to his life.

"Here's my chance," I think, excitement rising in my chest.

I quickly adjust my appearance, scruffing up my hair and putting on some makeup to rid myself of the puffy eyes and dark circles. Glancing at myself in the rearview mirror, I'm determined to blend in and go unnoticed, to look like I belong. I swallow hard, knowing I must play this part convincingly.

As I step out of the car, directives, slamming doors, and general busyness fill the air, creating an electrifying atmosphere. I take a deep breath and prepare to enter Fiero's world, ready to seize this opportunity and get one step closer to claiming my freedom.

The sound of my heels clicks against the pavement as I step out of my car and walk towards Fiero's house. Though my heart races, I maintain a facade of confidence and purpose in every stride I take.

The luxurious mansion looms before me, and as I’m about to enter, I’m stopped by the guards I hadn’t noticed before.

“You, you there,” I hear someone scream. I continue walking, barely registering the voice, until a big, burly man with folded hands steps right in my path. I gasp as he eyes me suspiciously, his gaze scanning me from head to toe. I straighten my posture, trying to exude an air of self-assurance as I meet his scrutiny head-on.

"What business do you have here?" His voice is gruff, layered with authority.

"I'm here for a gig," I reply, keeping my tone steady and my gaze unwavering. "Someone in the crew, a girl called Anita, told me the boss is looking for crew for a party. I need the money, man. I just got a kid, a deadbeat father, and no support. How’s a girl to eat?" I lie and pretend to quiver my lower lip.

“Crew boss told you to meet here?” he asks, frowning.

“No, like I said, Anita did. She’ll introduce me to the guy. Just a night’s work, and that too, at a party this big? The tips alone could feed my kid for a week, if not a month. Tell me,” I say urgently, gripping his arms. Do they pay well?”

I think of my father, tears brim to my eyes. I hate using Papa’s memory as a ploy, but I need to look believable and desperate.

The guard studies me for a moment, his gaze assessing my sincerity. After what feels like an eternity of silence, he finally nods. "There there, miss. No need to cry. Head towards the main tent by the pool. The crew and this Anita person should be there too. But stay out of trouble, or you'll answer to me. We have eyes everywhere," he grumbles, stepping aside to let me pass.

“Thank you, you kind, kind man!” I gasp, instinctively reaching over to give him a kiss on his cheek. He blushes, looks shocked and I squeal like a woman over the moon as I skip by.

Good, that should take me off his radar. I couldn’t have faked more authenticity than that.

As I approach the pool area, I'm greeted by the lively sounds of groans, tantrums, and yelling, mingling with the scent of fresh flowers on a hot summer day. It looks like it’ll be a decadent affair, filled with beautiful decorations being off-loaded.

"Excuse me," I say, approaching a group of men in overalls near the bar. I look each person in the eye as I ask, with a hint of need in my tone, "I heard there might be some job openings here. Would you happen to know anything about that? Work’s been tough around the village I come from, and I could use some dough."

The group exchanges glances. One man, adorned in a pair of shorts and a sleeveless vest, answers cautiously, "I think I overheard someone mentioning that some entertainment backed out. You might want to find the manager."

“Entertainment, huh?” I inquire. “What form?”