The thud that follows is deafening—the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the floor. It reverberates through my soul, sending shivers down my spine.

"NO!" I scream, my cries echoing through the room, filling the void left by the abrupt silence that has descended upon us. Tears stream down my cheeks, and I struggle against Alvize's grip, my every instinct urging me to reach my father, to do something – anything – to save him. But it's too late. The damage is done, and there's nothing I can do to change that.

"Let me go," I sob, my voice barely audible over the sound of my own heart breaking. "Please, just let me go."

But Alvize doesn't relent, and I'm left to grieve in the cold, unforgiving embrace of the man who helped orchestrate my father's murder. As the tears continue to flow, I find myself questioning everything I thought I knew about compassion, justice, and the world around me.

And in the dark corners of my mind, a seed of hatred begins to grow – a burning desire for revenge that threatens to consume me just as surely as my grief does now.

Then, the door opens. Rafaele and Franco exit, sinister smiles plastered on their faces. In that instant, Alvize releases me, and every ounce of strength drains from my limbs. I crumble to the ground, my knees buckling beneath the unbearable weight of my pain.

Sobs wrack my entire being as I desperately cling to the cold, unforgiving floor, as if holding onto it could somehow bring my father back.

"WHY?!" I scream, my voice hoarse from anguish and tears. My heart seethes with rage, and my broken spirit finds a new purpose: vengeance.

"Rafaele, you monster! You got the diamond back! Why did you have to kill my father?!" I demand, my eyes burning with a volatile mix of hatred and despair.

"Ah, cara mia," he says, his tone condescending as he saunters toward me. "It's simple, really. What kind of example would I set if I let your father go? People would lose respect. I can’t allow for people to believe it was alright to steal from me, from Rafaele Bressan. Your father was the perfect case to prove how forgiveness isn’t a word in my dictionary."

My chest heaves with uncontrollable sobs as I glare at him through tear-filled eyes.

"You're a heartless beast," I spit out between sobs.

"Perhaps you are right," Rafaele muses, his grin never faltering, "and the world won’t forget that now, will it?"

Chapter 22


Romola's grey eyes, filled with an unforgiving storm, bore into mine as she called me a heartless beast.

Her voice trembles with anger and grief, her body quivering like she’s being stabbed by a thousand needles all at once.

Good. This is just how I want her. Putty at my hands.

"Perhaps you are right," I grin, feeling no remorse or sympathy, "and the world won’t forget that now, will it?"

She seems ready to spew words of rage at me, but I look her dead in the eye and raise my gun towards her temple, my finger twitching on the trigger. The sight of her wide, terrified eyes and trembling lips fills me with satisfaction.

I think she forgot who the boss is around here. There’s a moment’s silence, and then, her small voice fills the void.

"Please, Rafaele," she quickly pleads for her life. "I told you I had nothing to do with it. You already took Papa’s life. Taking mine would be a waste of a bullet.”

“Will it?” I ask, releasing the lock to pull the trigger. The click sounds crisp, sharp, and rewarding. “How will I know you won’t betray me further?”

“Because… I…” she searches for an answer I might like. Then, like a feral cat, she sits on all fours, her eyes blazing in my direction as a wave of energy comes over her. “I can help you. I'll complete the mission and retrieve the diamond from Fiero."

Her promise hangs heavy in the air, echoing similarities with past ones. I am torn between the desire to avenge her father's betrayal and the faint glimmer of hope that she might be useful in securing our future. Yet, I am no fool.

This, her begging to do my bidding for nothing but her life in exchange, was just what I wanted. It’s risky to involve another thief in this mission. The more people who know about the Heart of Italy, the higher the risk of it getting lost in the mayhem. With her, I can control what happens next.

"Swear it," I demand, my voice low and menacing. "Swear that you will bring me the diamond or suffer the consequences."

"I swear, Rafaele. I swear it," Romola vows. “Please, don’t kill me.”

For now, I lower my gun, watching her closely. My eyes narrow as I consider her proposal. The weight of her father's betrayal still burns within me, but the promise of securing our future is tempting.

"Your loyalty was never in question until tonight, Romola," I say, my voice dripping with suspicion. "How do I know you won't betray me like your father did?"