With Franco pushing our vehicle to its limit, I keep my eyes peeled for every black car. Just then, in the distant front, I see a sleek black one.

Looks expensive. Looks like something that could be stolen from Fiero’s party.

“There,” I point at Franco. “Follow them and put your headlights on max. I need to get a look at that number plate.”

Franco nods and floors the pedal. We inch closer and…. “That’s the one. The number plates a match.”

“We’ve got them, boss,” Marco grins widely.

"Not yet," I murmur, my gaze fixed on the black sedan just ahead of us. “They’re speeding up.”

“I think they smell trouble,” Alvize says, his voice steady as steel.

“Shoot out the tires,” I tell Alvize as I roll my windows down. He does the same.

With a deafening roar, our two cars race down the winding streets of Rome. Time slows as we focus on our target.

"Now!" I shout to Alvize, my finger on the trigger, ready to unleash the fury of a thousand bullets if I must.

Alvize aims for the tires so I can get the wheels. The sound of shots fired echoes through our car, and their back window shatters like crystal.

I take the next aim, this one for Romola. I only need one person alive to tell me where the diamond is. If I shoot Romola, her father would have no choice but to stop. My finger steadies on the trigger, and I pull.

I hear screams, but then Romola’s head pops back up. I got her headrest. She ducked.

“Fuuuck,” I scream in anger. “The tires, Alvize. The fuckin’ tires. Get them.”

Franco swerves the car to the side, taking the turn with precision as Alvize trains his gun on the car's tires; I do the same, not risking a miss.

My heart pounds in my chest, and I can feel the sweat dripping down my brow.

There are a couple of shots, and then the tire of the black car explodes, showering sparks and debris into the air. The car veers out of control, skidding across the street and hitting a parked vehicle before coming to a stop.

At last. I close my eyes for a second. It feels like I’ve been chasing these double-crossing circus clowns for hours.

My blood boils with fury. I have them now, and I’m going to make them pay. No amount of begging will save them from my wrath.

She whimpers under my hand, and a thrill goes down my spine. There’s not enough pain in the world to avenge the theft they tried to pull off. The game has changed.

Chapter 21


We enter the gates to Rafaele’s compound, but we don’t take the formal path to the front of the house. Strange how, at a time like this, my curiosity gets the upper hand.

Beside me, Papa looks pale and tense, his eyes darting to me and the door. A lump forms in my throat. I know Papa is only worried for me and wants to find a way out for me. As for his life, he’d give it up in exchange for mine in a heartbeat.

Franco gets out from the front. We’ve been squeezed in the back by Rafaele and Alvize on either side of us, and Franco opens the door for Rafaele to exit first, guarding we don’t try to run. Not that we could escape in any direction. The compound is filled with Rafaele’s men guarding the boundary edges.

"Get out!" Franco barks, his voice loud and aggressive, after Rafaele exits. Alvize does the same on my father's side, but only with a gun to Papa’s temple. My legs tremble beneath me as I stumble onto the gravel driveway, feeling a sharp pain in my arm where Franco's iron grip refuses to let go.

"Move!" Alvize commands, shoving my father forward. On the way, I almost trip, and Franco holds my hand painfully, almost dragging me, not even giving me a moment to find balance. I twist my ankle and moan, and he clenches into me harder. Suddenly, I feel petrified.

It has hit home, and there won’t be any mercy tonight.

We enter Rafaele’s house, and I look around fearfully. They lead us down a hall and right outside, Rafaele turns to his guards before he opens the door. “Make sure the house staff don’t become too curious,” he commands.

Papa looks at me, petrified, and I see his cheeks tremble and his eyes wide. I try to remain strong for him.