Agostino frees himself from his daughter and walks closer, enchanted. Slowly, he puts out his hand and curls open his fingers, almost like he’s forgotten what fingers are meant for.

“Marvelous,” he gasps when I release my hand. Agostino's fingers delicately trace the intricate facets of the diamond, his eyes locked on its every detail. "Remarkable," he mutters under his breath as he seems to carve every line in his mind. I observe him closely as he studies every detail, ensuring he has all the information he needs for tonight's mission.

I am caught up in his admiration. “Look at the clarity. Feel the weight.”

"Over a thousand carats easy... three point seven centimeters in diameter..." Agostino continues to mumble, “It could take me a while.” Then, looking over at me, “You said there is no existing picture or sketch?”

I just shake my head in response. He frowns before looking back at the diamond.

“Unbelievable,” he mutters, “sitting on his haunches, turning the diamond around and around to study each face.

Romola looks uneasy. “Could we not simply photograph it or record a video?” She looks at me almost pleadingly, her gaze wandering around the room as she tries to distract herself from her father's methodical study.

I purse my lips, again this naivety, “Cell phones do not work in here…”

“But yesterday, when you showed me the gowns for the masquerade ball…” she looks at me questioningly, her fingers temporarily stop fidgeting with the hem of her gloves.

“Yesterday was an oversight. I usually activate the signal blanket before entering in case someone is tracking my phone. It's just another layer in my impenetrable security system.” I smile at Romola, who keeps looking at her father. She really seems distracted tonight.

My jaw tightens. I need her focused, at her sharpest. I stride over to her, Time to get those nerves settled.

Chapter 13


My heart pounds as I watch my father haunch down and stare at the diamond, examining every angle of the Heart of Italy like a vulture circling its offering. What is he playing at?

His words from last night echo in my mind - "Let’s take the diamond for ourselves. We could start a new life somewhere else.”

I take a deep breath, forcing some sense into my thoughts—this is my father—the same man who raised me, taught me how to ride a bike and negotiated a good price for a pair of pearl earrings. Surely, he wouldn't risk everything we’ve worked for so hard, everything we've managed to build up for ourselves over the years, for a mere diamond?

I desperately hope that it is just my nerves acting up in anticipation of tonight’s events.

But the doubt lingers. Something about this whole situation feels off. Papà and I are meant to work together as a team, but not once in the car did he voice his interest in viewing the diamond again. Did he not trust me? Or did he guess that my answer would be a definitive “No?"

"Father," I interject, my voice wavering slightly, "are you almost finished?"

"Patience, my dear." He glances at me and averts his gaze instantly. Was that a look of guilt? I panic, wondering if Rafaele caught it, too. "Just need a few more moments."

I nod, trying to keep my expression neutral, fidgeting with the seam of my long-sleeved gloves. Stop acting so nervous!

As my father leans in to examine the jewel even more closely, it feels like a million bugs are crawling over my skin. If my father decides to go through with what I suspect he’s planning, Rafaele would skin us alive and gouge out our eyes.

Serafina’s vision comes to mind – “He was hiding your body in a place nobody can find you.” I turn my eyes away from my father to look at the man who terrifies me.

He seems like the sort of man who would do that. The way he became angry at Papà, naming the great personal sacrifices he has made to focus solely on this quest, made me sad and scared at the same time. He will lose all restraint if he thinks anyone’s actions, knowingly or unknowingly, could threaten that.

It takes every ounce of courage to keep my composure when I see his eyes staring right at me like he can read my thoughts. My mind turns to ice. I need to stop second-guessing my father’s intentions. He wouldn’t do anything rash, not right under Rafaele’s nose…would he?

Whatever is going on with my father, I can’t let Rafaele get suspicious of us. He is still staring at me, like a poacher waiting for the deer to step into his snare.

Rafaele makes a sudden move, and my heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest as he strides over to me with a determined look. I break eye contact, looking around the room for anything, anything except his penetrating gaze.

Hidden in the shadows, I see other glass boxes that go unnoticed in the dazzling presence of the Heart of Italy. I saunter over to one end, discovering an exquisite three-layered sapphire necklace draped elegantly across a velvet stand. The gemstones glisten in the dark.

With a breathy voice, I exclaim, “Magnificent!”

My trick works. Rafaele comes up beside me.