"We are," my father replies and coughs slightly. I can see right through his brave front, but I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention, so I don’t ask him how he’s feeling. I take his cold hand in mine and give him a reassuring squeeze as we climb up the entrance steps.

Guards jump to open the doors. They give the impression of being butlers who welcome our party of three to a grand hallway. Except that they are armed, their eyes always searching for weakness, scanning for any hint of betrayal.

Inside, the hallway walls are adorned with intricate tapestries and priceless paintings, each one more breathtaking than the last. I can feel my father's awe-struck gaze lingering on the artwork, gently smiling as he takes in its beauty.

“This way,” Rafaele gestures. We pass through a lavish sitting area with plush white bouclé couches and gilded chandeliers that descend from ceilings over forty feet high.

We cross to a door at the other end and follow him down a long corridor lined with marble columns, our footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors. As we venture deeper into Rafaele's domain, the reality of our circumstances gradually sinks in.

We’re putting ourselves in danger for the sake of a single diamond. We pass a massive library, its floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with leather-bound tomes and ancient scrolls. I feel cold and shiver slightly. Is it a draft?

"Are you alright, Romola?" my father asks, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Yes," I whisper, forcing a smile. "Just...nervous, I suppose."

The truth is, I’m remembering every detail. Because there’s a chance that, at some point, I might have to find a way out if things go south.

As we reach the end of the corridor, Rafaele stops before a large, ornately carved door, its surface etched with intricate patterns that seem to dance in the flickering candlelight.

"Beyond this door lies the reason we've all risked so much," he says, his voice low and intense. "Are you ready?"

I exchange a glance with my father, feeling a strange mix of excitement and dread coursing through my veins. And yet, despite the fear that has put its cold hand around my heart, I know there's no turning back now.

"Ready," I confirm, shaking my arms loose to release the nervous energy building up inside me.

"Then let's proceed," Rafaele says, pushing open the door.

The door swings open, revealing a long, narrow hallway bathed in dim golden light. Shadows dance on the walls, cast by the flickering flames of what looks like real gold and silver candelabras perched on either side of the corridor. My heart races as we step into this glittering sanctuary.

"Welcome," Rafaele announces, his voice echoing through the hallowed space, "to my private gallery."

I gaze in awe at the dazzling array of precious jewels and valuable paintings that adorn the walls, each masterpiece meticulously locked away behind thick glass.

“If anyone as much as touches the glass when my security settings aren’t on, our laser beams come on and don’t just burn, but cut limbs in half,” Rafaele explains.

It sounds like a fact he’s proud of, just a little tidbit he’s sharing. But my father and I exchange knowing glances, for we know what he means to say.

Don’t touch. Don’t steal. You’ll end up dead.

I see him watching us, waiting for a reaction. And so, I oil his ego. "Rafaele, this is... unbelievable.”

"Indeed," my father agrees, entranced by the remarkable collection before us. "The value of these treasures must be beyond measure."

Rafaele simply nods, accepting the compliment with pride. “Now, while this is impressive,” I cut to the chase, tired of the veiled threats he’s passing along by displaying his power and wealth. “The diamond we aim to see. Do you have a picture?”

“A picture?” Rafaele smiles at me like I’m a little child.

Infuriated at his condescending jeer, I nod. “Yes, a picture,” I say coldly. “But you did mention no one knows of its existence. So, a drawing, perhaps? Or a replica?”

He folds his hands in front of his chest, his right lip turning into a small snarl, and then he says the last words I’d ever expect to hear from his mouth.

“How about I show you the real thing itself?”

I hear my father stutter. “Wh.. wha.. the real thing, but?”

The world around me disappears, and all I see is Rafaele’s evil, cunning smile. Infuriated at the secrets he keeps, I take a step forward and point a finger at him.

“Quit with the games. You said this diamond is a legend, unknown by all. That we’re to steal it. How can we see the real thing?”